
Peace of you

Ryan looks back at her brother still feeling a little lethargic and groggy but more alert than she had been in the days that passed. She was feeling better and other than she shoulder she wasn't in to much pain. Though stoping to think about it her heart gave an extra thud remembering what had happened with Leo.

"It would have if you hadn't had come. I didnt think anyone would be able to find you. I wasn't even sure."

Though the words seemed sad Ryan tryed her best to hold her smile. It hadnt been just her brothers fault but her own as well for losing contact with him. Maybe now thought they could keep that communication open more.

"I guess this means now I have a little peace of you with me always as a reminder never to lose contact with my family again huh?"

Being introduced to everyone Alice can feel the heat rise on her face not use to being the center of attachen but more on the side lines. Not that she complained about it she was there for Kyle not her own spot light but now it seemed different and it was defiantly something she would have to get use to.

Taking a seat while the music started Alice couldnt help but tap her foot to the music as it played. It was a different style but it sounded great and Kyle fit right in. It was so good to see the look in Kyle's eyes return that had been there when she saw him playing with JetStream, and Cryptic. This is what Kyle loved and where he belonged Alice could feel it.

Claping as they finished Alice jumped onto the stage to give Kyle a hug and stand with him again. Waiting to see what would happen next. Listing Alice couldnt help the bit of shock that over came her but than her lips turned up into a smile. It felt like eveything inside was bubbling for joy.

Giving her goodbyes to everyone once again Alice follows along with Kyle arm in arm taking in the fresh air as it hit her. She couldn't be more excited for Kyle and couldnt help but laugh a little.

"I believe Kyle Mitts you are a bandleader. If thats what you want anyways. I dont know though you before a big shot I might lose you to some crazed teen ager."

"Nah you dont sound pitiful, you just sound like you dont know your place yet thats all."

Dan gives a soft smile to Jade. Not really knowing what to say to her Dan felt a little but funny. It had been a long time since he comforted someone he was rusty.

"I think you should just ask you dad. He would probably love you have you around and Rosetta too. You seemd like a great woman I dont see why they wouldnt let you stay."

Looking away from Jade for a moment Dan scans the yard as if thinking about something for a long moment before looking back to Jade again giving a knowing nod.

"Life is never easy, all we can do is live, learn and roll with it. We make the best of what we got and life to the fullest what we have left. Thinks will work out Jade God will see to that."

Standing again Dan holds out his hand to her to help Jade up before heading back to work himself.

"Jade, if we dont get to go bowling tonight would you like to ride with me to church Sunday. Everyone could use a friend."

Dan gives a smile. He new Jade was probley feeling a little lonly and it might be nice to have someone to chat with herself.

Giving a laugh and throwing her arms around Carson Misty gives him another long and passiont kiss before letting go and standing grabbing her jacket.

"Come on lets go before Rick really does kick us out."

Misty takes Carson's hand ready for him to take the lead.

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