

Rocky's eyes drift down for a moment, a wry grin curling his lips. "Well... maybe Axel doesn't have a real reason to get upset, but let's not risk it, eh?" He shakes his head a little, but keeps the grin on his face. "I'll um... I'll see you tonight. Maybe sometime three or four of us can do lunch or something... break up the work day."

Turning around, he gives Jess a little wave before heading for the door. "Talk to ya later."

Good. While you're in the asking mood, Phil and I have been doing some talking...

Jason keeps up with his computer work as he communicates with Katie, glad that he'd learned to multi-task with this thing.

We want some new pictures of the band and stuff... If you think Scott might be up to it, you might see if he wants to come along with his camera. I don't know if he'd want to or not, but... couldn't hurt to ask, right?

Carson accepts Angelica's business card, and looks at it for a moment. Glancing back up, he gives a little forced laugh. "I'm not used to taking a back seat... especially when it's my neck on the line." He shakes his head. "But I know this time I'll do more harm than good if I involved myself too much, so... I'll do what you say."

It was evident by the look in his eyes that this was difficult for him. "I'll find somebody to snoop around Heather's story, and... guess that's it until next week in court. Let me know what she says on the phone about seeing Mackenzie, and I'll let you know if I find out anything new."

Wandering back down the hall, Carson can still feel himself on edge. Though Angelica seemed to think it would be easy to get out of this, he wasn't so sure. He didn't even know yet what they were really up against. But... who would help him dig? He really didn't want to ask Reese... he wanted to involve as few people as possible, so maybe he'd just grab somebody himself. His case was unofficial... Angelica was letting him call the shots on this angle, even if it wasn't by the rulebook. He was grateful for that, but even so, he wasn't sure which way to turn.

As he walks, Carson runs names through his mind. Everyone was so busy with TJY work. Anyone would help, sure, but if it was any main agent, Reese might not be too happy. Jason... Katie... Misty... Nate... Rick... Carson wasn't sure about asking any of them. Someone needed to be able to do research... dig deep... but without anyone else knowing.

He's so engrossed in his thoughts, that he doesn't see Scott coming out of his office. A collision couldn't be avoided. Carson puts on the brakes and skids to a halt, plowing into Scott. Scott jumps back with a bit of whiplash, reflexes causing him to brush Carson's hands away from him. His eyes widen with a brief but sudden terror.

"Whoa... I'm sorry, Scott," Carson apologizes. "I didn't even see you."

Scott calms his racing heart. "That's okay. I'm used to it."

Carson forces a small smile. He wasn't surprised. Anyone could miss Scott, as thin as he was. Carson is about to move on, but he stops, turning again. "Hey, Scott?"


"You busy?"

A short laugh surfaces. "No... haven't quite gotten back into the swing of things yet."

"I see. Well... how would you like to do a bit of research? Off TJY's time?"

...Scott sits at his desk once more, but this time with a plan. He wasn't involved in any TJY cases... he hadn't been for a long time. So he had time to do this... and if anyone could dig, it was him.

...Carson makes his way from TJY, deciding to walk. He'd go home, call Aerith to make sure everything was okay, then let things lie for today. Tomorrow was a new day. Tomorrow maybe things would look better.

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