

On break, Carson sinks down on his bed for a moment, taking a quick breather before the next customer rush started. He was working a lot lately... and though not on the clock part of the time, he'd rather be working here than out getting into trouble, so he didn't mind. At least spending time with Jess had not only given him something safe to do, but it had gotten him away from Mom and Pop's when he needed to as well.

Glancing to the little night stand, Carson spies the shoe box stuffed underneath. Going for it, he picks it up and lifts the lid to browse through the few treasures that he did have. A few pictures... melancholy sets in.

Reaching the bottom, he gives a sigh as he pulls out the gold chain and locket. He flips it open to look at the picture for a moment, then closes it again. Fingering it for a few moments, his mind wanders. He liked Jess...he had fun with her... she'd given him friendship, and while helping her, she'd helped him too. But his heart kept going back to what he'd lost. Would he be able to move on, or would he always do that? And if so, was he not being fair to Jess?

Putting the locket away, he stuffs the box away too, and slaps his cap back on his head. Work was a good distraction. He heads back to the kitchen, asking Herb what was next on the list.

Reese cringes as he hears the noise too, and looks at Angelica with sympathy. "Me? Why do you think I always yell for Scott? He's..." His voice trails off as he realizes he hadn't spoken in past tense. Sighing a little, he shakes his head. "I don't know a thing. I'd shut it off then start it again... maybe ask Jason. He's more savvy than I am."

Shaking his head again, he reaches for a folder. "We just can't keep going like this. We've got to get a tech guy in house here before we all go crazy." He thinks for a moment, knowing that the door down the hall hadn't been opened since he'd last been in there. For some reason, it just felt wrong to put someone else in there. But...life had to go on.

"Maybe the guys in Arizona have some extra hands."

Jason slides off the table and looks at the bottle in Misty's hand, a little skeptically at first, but then shrugs. "Hey, if it works..."

Rick nods with agreement. "That's a good idea, Misty. I don't know why I didn't think about that. Come to think of it, Jase...it might not be a bad idea for you to carry some of those with you all the time... If you ever have an attack and your sugar plummets and there's no food around, you could get into some big trouble."

Jason doesn't like it, but nods. "Alright. I think I can do that." He gives Misty a look to go ahead. "Set me up, Doc."

As Rick walks away to go back to his work, Jason cocks his head at Misty. He hadn't had much of a chance to talk to her lately, but she'd been looking better and better. "So how are you doing, Misty? Seems like I see you every day but never talk to you."

Bret hangs up his phone and glances to the hall closet. Things had been on hold for a couple weeks now and everyone was getting anxious... especially him. But it wasn't excitement that drove him... it was guilt. He shouldn't be doing this... not risking a second round like he went through before. But... followed by threats, what could he do? And it was a way to get some quick cash. But... what was he really willing to risk?

He looks at the clock. He was supposed to meet Charlotte for lunch. He could tell that she'd sensed something wasn't right lately, but she'd respected his privacy. That was more than Maria had ever done...and yet...maybe it would be better if he were forced to reveal what was really going on. Did he really want to risk ruining another relationship? There had been an awful lot more involved with Maria's leaving, but this same thing is what had been the straw to break the camel's back. His feelings for Charlotte had grown more than he might admit... did he really want to risk losing her?

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