
Right about now

*Misty studys Carson for a moment on what he says about his bruse. Something dident seem right but Misty was to tired and sore right now argue.

Feeling Carson's hand brush her skin Misty feels the comfort of him being close. Puting the bag of peas down that she was holding she slips out of the chair and into Carson's arms. Tears wasnted to come but Misty wouldent let them. Instead just just burryed her face into Carson's chest trying to ignore the pain she felt. Physcial and mentil.*

"I'm...ok now."

*As Katie sits at her desk a strange feeling comes over her. Stranger than normal but it wasent a bad feeling. Jason was happy, but at the same time in pain. In almost an instince Katie's mouth starts to burn. What on earth was going on. Suddonly the tast of the spicy food enters her mouth again almost setting her mouth on fire. Reaching in her draw for the drink Jason had given her before she left the relization of what was really going on hit her. He was no doubt by the happyness he portrayed with Camryn for lunch and knowing them both they were in compatition for...just Katie's luck spicy food. She hated spice food. Taking a swig of the iced tea Katie trys to consintrate on her work again. Only to have the spice intensify. Knowing it was no use all she could do was sit in her chair and keep drink waiting out this compation. Planting her forhead aganst her desk her face breaks out in a sweat. As she mumbles.*

"Right about now Jason I really dislike you."

*Katie cant help but laugh finding a bt of humor in the matter.*

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