

Scott lifts his eyebrows as he feels someone next to him while he lies on his back under Laura’s desk.

Receiving Katie’s kiss, he grins. “I’ll be the white rabbit, but only if I can let you catch me.”

His smile broadens. “And you’re welcome for the flowers.”

Looking back at the mess, he sighs. “What you’re looking at is Scott’s Wonderland instead of Alice’s. Just as topsy-turvy, but not nearly as fun. I think when I’m under here, it’s true that all I want to do is go home…”

A grin creases his lips again and he turns his head back to Katie. “Unless of course certain company sticks around, and then it’s not nearly as unpleasant under here…”

His eyes twinkle with mischief as he twists a little, able to get his arm around so his hand can pull Katie’s head back down. Giving her another kiss with passion, he forgets about work completely, leaving it up to Katie when to break the moment.

Carson wanders in to work, later than he’d wanted. He hadn’t seen Misty’s car in the lot though, so that was a plus. He could still get away with what he’d planned to tell her.

Getting inside, he heads for his cubicle and tries to start in on some work without interacting much with anyone else.

As time passes though, he looks a the clock and realizes that it’s getting late for Misty. Picking up his phone, he calls Rick. “Hey, Rick…”

Rick sits at the counter in the infirmary, hearing Carson’s voice over the intercom. “Yes?”

“You know where Misty is?”

Surprised you don’t know. She called in earlier – she’s not coming in. Said something about an accident, but assured me she was fine.”

“Accident?” Carson doesn’t even let Rick answer him as he hangs up the phone. Grabbing his keys, he wastes no time. He didn’t care if Misty had assured Rick she was fine or not.

Getting to his car, more worry hits him. Why hadn’t she called him? Why had she called Rick and not him?

It takes him very little time to get to Misty’s place, and he parks out front to walk quickly to the door. He rings the doorbell, even though he was tempted to walk right in.

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