

Carson takes a deep breath and is quiet for several moments, trying to keep himself calm... He knew Misty was telling the truth - she didn't know where Frankie was. Maybe that was a good thing...Carson knew himself well enough to know that if he found out where he was, he'd leave right now and go beat him to a pulp.

Crossing his arms, he leans against the side of the couch, shaking his head at Misty's question. "It's the same bruise - I laid on it last night - Rick said I had too much pressure on it so the blood gathered again."

Thinking for another few moments, he just looks at Misty. Why was it that no matter who he cared for, they got hurt? It wasn't fair.

Sighing, he straightens and crouches down next to Misty's chair, reaching up to tuck a stray strand of hair behind her ear. His tone has softened, despite his anger towards her brother. "You okay?"

Camryn giggles, popping another jalapeƱo pepper into her mouth. "Take that."

Jason's eyes narrow as he follows suit. "Piece of cake."

"Mm, tough guy, eh?" Camryn picks up a jar of hot sauce from the variety on the table and shakes it up before pouring a couple drops in her spoon. Downing it, she squints a little, but still grins. "That would be good on rice."

"Oh yeah?" Jason takes the bottle from her and pours a nice amount over his rice, taking a big bite. "Hey, yeah, not bad."

Camryn lifts a challenging eyebrow, grabbing a jar of salsa. "Ha! Try this. You first."

Jason takes it from her and spoons out a little onto his plate, taking a corn chip to dip it with. Taking a bite, he swallows, and though the taste is good, he can feel the heat rise to his face as tears well up in his eyes. "Oooh, boy."

Camryn puts her head back and laughs. "Oh my goodness. Drinks something."

Jason shakes his head. "First drinker loses. I'm not finished yet. Your turn."

A little more hesitantly this time, Camryn tries the salsa and starts fanning her mouth. "Oh my word! This is terrible!"

"Ready to give up yet?" Jason eyes the single glass of water in the middle of the table.

"Not on your life."

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