
Your sure?

Ryan gives a shake of her head slouching down a little to see my brothers eyes in the side mirror. She couldn't never repay him for what he did, and those cuts he came were because he was defending her honer. Ryan could only hope to repay that to Eli one day.

"Its the least I can do to repay you Eli. Please let us?"

Flashing her brother a smile there was so much emotion in Ryan's eyes. It was strange feeling so many things at once, but in a way it was kind of nice to just feel again!

Thinking for a moment Karla laughed to herself. Why was she thinking about it? Its not like she had a big meal of her own to eat and the food she did have would probably leave her still hungry afterward. But at the same time she didnt want to jump all over it. Kip seemed real nice, but she was still feeling them out and that last thing she wanted was to make him think she was using him for money.

"Six o'clock that will give me time to clean myself up a little bit since at the moment I am in my dirty running cloths. Are you sure your other friends wont mind? I don't want to impose!"

Karla smiled at Kip, she just wanted to make sure it was ok. It wasn't every day someone invited her for breakfast, spend the whole day with her and than asked her to dinner. Not anyone good anyways. Karla was almost scaired that it was to good to be true that this day actully happened.

Feeling Jason's arm around her a smile spread on Katie's face. Behind semi alone in a hotel seemed to bring back memories for Katie when her and Jason had yet to hook up but the chemistry was there. It was a good memorie or so Katie though thats when had first relized there powers and the connection to each other. My how far they had come, from than to now.

Just leaning into Jason something strange happened. It was almost like the phone was put up to her ear and not Jason's. She could hear the conversation almost as clear as day. But that was crazy right? It never had happend before Maybe Jason's phone was turned up to high.

Shrugging it off and waiting for Jason to get off the phone Katie leans into him again leaning her head on his shoulder.

"Yeah, they worry about us more than Reese I think sometimes."

Not even really thinking about it Katie just speaks whats on the top of her mind about what Phile said about Jen. Jen was one of her best friends and she worryed about her too sometimes.

"Next time you talk to Phil tell him to tell Jen, not to give up on Kyle yet. He just...needs to find what he is looking for."

Hearing Jade Dan steps out of the shall behind Jade. Letting out a low sigh. It was hard to keep his distance from her. The had formed a friendship and now being told to stay away for a reason Dan didn't even know was hard.

Gently resting a hand on Jade's shoulder Dan is quiet for a moment. Looking out and over to the dinning hall himself he could see the shadows behind the drawn shade moving slowly.

Looking down at Jade and giving a soft smile he whispers.

"Stay calm, and choose your words. No matter what it will be ok."

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