
I understand

Jason can't help his grin as Katie comes to join him in the truck, bringing the coffee. Letting a sip of the warm liquid run down his throat, he sighs with content.

You know just how to wake a guy up. Thank you.

He gives a weary laugh.

Yeah, I guess even being suspended has an upside. Personally, I'd like to have a job and spend all my time with you a the same time. Oh wait... I usually do.

He throws Katie a sidelong glance, covering his smile by taking another sip of coffee.

Rick picks up the phone in the infirmary, answering Katie's call. "Oh good, I'm glad it was you and Jason staying there during the night. I kept wondering all night how Scott was. Anyway, I was just on my way to come get him, but I wasn't sure how he'd respond...if I'd even get him back here. I'm sure he'd respond better to you and Jason - or at least you though, so I'm game for you two taking a shot at it first. Then I'll just wait here for you."

Once the call is over, and the decision is made to first simply start off by making sure Scott was still okay, Jason exits his truck, waiting for Katie, then crossing over the street to walk to Scott's house once more.

Hearing someone at the door, Domino starts to bark, scampering away from Scott, then back to him again, but unable to rouse him.

Scott hears the knock at the door, but feels too lethargic to get up. He was awake... he wanted to get up... he wanted to leave... but he felt almost held in place by his own exhausted emotions.

Jason knocks on the door a second time, then glances at Katie when they don't receive a response. "Scott?" he calls.


He frowns, reaching for the doorknob. "Call me wrong, but... I think we need to go in and make sure he's okay."

Slowly opening the door, Jason peers into the dim house. Domino is right there, and when she spots Katie, she runs to her, jumping up on her legs and wriggling all over with excitement.

Jason steps inside and around the dog, looking around and into the living room. "Scott?"

Scott glances up from the corner where he'd been huddled the last few hours. Though a blanket was feet away, he hadn't used it, and was cold and stiff. He swallows hard and tries to find his voice. "Jason?"

Jason almost cringes at Scott's weak tone. "Yeah it's me," he answers gently. Going to the corner, he drops to a knee next to his friend. "You alright?"

Scott shakes his head. "No."

"What's wrong?"

"I..." Scott stops. He felt silly. He felt stupid. He felt weak. "I just... it..."

Jason waits patiently. "What is it?"

Scott's eyes remain glued to the floor. "Don't leave me alone?"

He's hurting bad, Katie. I know he wanted to be here, but it hasn't done him any good. He's getting worse.

"We're not going anywhere." Jason assures. "We wanted to take you to TJY for a while. Get you something to eat... clean up a bit. Feel up to it?"

Scott starts to shake his head, but then finally nods. "Alright..."

Needing Jason's help, he finally gets to his feet, a little unsteadily. Finally glancing up to Jason, then to Katie, heat comes to his face before he drops his gaze again. "I'm sorry," he says quietly. "I know I'm being a burden."

"You are not a burden," Jason states flatly. "Friends are never burdens."

Scott still hesitates. "I just... I feel so helpless. My mind is... is telling me too many things at once and... and I just can't... I mean..."

Jason sets a hand on Scott's shoulder. "It's okay. You're gonna be alright."

Scott's eyes remain downcast, his voice growing even quieter. "If I don't leave the world before then."

A chill runs down Jason's spine.

Please don't tell me he's saying what I think he's saying... That's what Carson was afraid of.

"Scott... look at me..." Jason forces Scott to look up at him, growing a little firm. "What are you talking about?"

Emotions pool in Scott's eyes, his voice wavering. "Rick was right... I need help." Hiding his face once more, he feels as though he wants to run away, yet his feet stay planted. He can feel Jason and Katie looking at him, and feels as though he were guilty for something, carrying shame for something he didn't even know. It felt illogical, but it was there anyway. And all he could do was stare at the floor.

Kyle nods his head as Misty asks for confirmation about the little treasure. "Yeah. I'm sure. It doesn't do anybody any good sitting out there on the lake." He starts to say more, but stops, thinking better of it, and just listening further.

As Misty hugs him, at first he doesn't return it, but slowly he he reaches her arms around her, embracing her lightly. "It's okay," he responds quietly. "I understand."

His eyes follow her as she pulls away, and her mention of the concert brings the grin back to his face. "Good."

Seeing the tears on her face, Kyle cocks his head and reaches out to gently wipe them away with a soft hand. "Hey, there's no need for those," he chides in almost a whisper. "We can't control what our hearts feel."

Placing a finger under her chin, he tilts her face upward to look at him again. A smile spreads on his face. "So go get what your heart wants, and don't let me stand in your way."

He winks at her. "I gotta get to work or my boss will have my head, then you wouldn't get to see me at all." He gives a short laugh. "I'll see you soon, and... my offer still stands... if you ever need anything..." He simply ends with a nod.

Stepping back, he bends in a dramatic bow with flourish. "Been real, Miss T. Catch ya later." Spinning around, he heads for the door, a song escaping as a whistle as he goes.

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