

Jim, tries hard not to laugh at the whole thing, and after Faith sits down, he takes his seat again. Giving her another smile, he offers conversation. "As you can see, we have a lot of fun around here." He chuckles. "Too much sometimes."

Sparky dumps his handful of coffee soaked ceramic pieces into the garbage then goes to the sink to wash his hands. Having Annie come in after him, he rolls his eyes. "I'm fine," he states flatly. Eying the bag of frozen peas, he smirks. "I am so not putting that on my head."

Grabbing a dish towel and getting it wet with a little soap, he rings it out. "My head is fine, but the floor needs to be cleaned. I was really looking forward to that coffee too." Taking his wet fingers, he flicks drops of water in Annie's direction, trying to overcome his embarrassment with teasing her. "You see what happens when you get me all shook up?"

Bravely heading back into the dining area, cloth in hand, he aims for the table again. Getting on his hands and knees, his eyes stay glued to his task. The heat was still in his face and he could kick himself. But he knew that stewing over the whole thing would do no good. He was sure he must have looked pretty ridiculous to everyone else, so if they thought it was funny, he needed to find the humor in it too.

Wiping up any leftover coffee and collecting a few more small pieces of the broken mug, only a glance or two are stolen in Faith's direction. His words though are aimed at Annie. "So, Miss Surprise, how long are you and your friend planning to stay?"

Rick purses his lips at Katie's question. "Well... I think you just took the brunt of Jason's emotions, that's what happened. Your hand will be fine - its healing nicely." He avoids the subject for now... he didn't want to overload them so soon after waking up. Offering a smile, he stands and goes back to the counter to get some mild pain medication prepared for them both. Seeing Jeff in the doorway, he gives a little nod.

Jeff wanders in slowly, realizing that Katie had not seen him yet. Easing down in the chair, he reaches over to take her unbandaged hand. "Hey, kiddo," he greets softly.

Gage really wanted to know what all it was that Sapphire had put in the fridge, but he withholds his questions for now. Seeing her take the lights and give directions, he grins. "Okay. I think I can handle that."

Going to the tree, he helps with the lights, stringing them through the branches and smiling when something goofy would happen with the string getting stuck on a limb or the tree tilting this way and that. The balls were fun to put on, and Gage's true nature shown through as he stood back and had to make sure that all of the ornaments were completely balanced in position - nothing could be out of place or crooked.

Placing the star on top as the final step, he looks at the decoration as a whole, so quite for such a long time, almost as if he'd fallen into his own little world again. But without warning, he goes and pulls the shade on the window, then turns the lights off in the room. The result was a gorgeous little tree, shining with his blue lights in the corner. Folding his arms, a new smile emerges. "That was fun." He'd never made anything pretty just to be pretty before... he wouldn't have thought it would make himself feel that good.

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