

"Well, the kind I have is not spiked. But its still really good. Come on lets try some."

Taking Gage's hand Sapphire cross the living room floor and enters the kitchen. Pulling two glass from the cupboard and placing them in the counter. Moving to the side she opens the fridge and pulls out the carton of eggnog.

"I tried making this homemade once. It...didn't turn out to well. Now I stick with just buying it."

Sapphire gives a laugh and a smile as she pours the eggnog into the cups. Than taking a bottle cinnamon she sprinkles just a little on top.

Holding the glass out to Gage Sapphire smiles. Taking a sip of her own she closes her eyes for a moment before opening them again and pulling the glass from her mouth. On her upper lip is a white mustache of eggnog.

"I wish they sold this all year around."

Trying to give a small smile it hurt to much to hold it Katie gently takes her dad's hand with her good hand.

"I'm sorry I scared you. Its good to see you again though. How long will you be staying?"

Katie hoped he would be staying for a little while so when she was able to be up and moving around maybe she could show her around a little bit. It would be nice to introduce her to Thirteen and Ryder as well.

Walking with Sparky Faith was quiet taking in the sights of the ranch. It seemed nice here, and very peaceful. It was everything Annie had described, and even a little more.

What happens in the barn happens fast and Faith dosnt have time to react herself. The horse was coming right for her. But feeling the jerk from Sparky and than seeing him grab the horse by the rope.

Faith cant help but just stair at Sparky. Maybe he wasnt so clumsy after all. The way he handled the horse was fascinating to Faith. She couldnt help but watch a smile on her face. Sparky had an air about him that Faith could already see and almost feel. He was farm, yet gentil and well respected.

Giving a little laugh and nodding to Sparky Faith brush herself off a little. She was thankful for his concern.

"Yes, I'm ok, thank you. You handled that horse really well. Than again I guess that happens when you around them all the time."

Flashing a smile Faith push a lose strand of hair behind her ear to get it out of her face as she looked up at Sparky.

As Annie listens to Jim talk she could feel a sorrow that grew inside of her for her twin. Mick had been doing so well and to just see him fall again hurt. So much piled up at once, even the strongest of people could only take so much.

"How is Rosetta holding up?"

Continuing to listen Annie gives a nod here and there letting Jim know she was still listing. Hearing about her nephew hurt even more. To see someone so young start down the wrong path already.

"Sparky has always been the stable one huh? Being able to keep things together while everything was falling apart. I guess thats why we always considered him the leader."

Though everything was crazy right now and alot had gone wrong Annie was still glad she had picked now to come. If more than anything her family needed her around too. Not to mention even to her this was home as well. She had missed everyone here.

Hearing about Clint and Wendy Annie's face lights up. In one of the few emails she had gotten she rememebered being told she was a great aunt.

"Oh I cant wait to see the little one. Its good to know that Clint and Wendy are doing well. They always looked so cute together, I bet they look even better with the baby by there side."

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