

Jason stares at their hands and swallows hard before looking back to Rick. "Was this something the Agency did on purpose? To mark us?"

"Well..." Rick thinks about it. "I guess I can't say no, but I have a few other theories. We can't be sure though until we can try something out and that can't happen until your strength is back. So for now, I don't want you to worry about it." He turns to Katie. "Or you."

Easier said than done. I don't like this one bit. First we almost die, now we've been branded. I don't like it at all.

Jeff gives Katie's arm a pat. "It'll be okay," he assures. "I'm sure you will figure this out. If it's the Agency's doing then you've nothing to worry because we've beaten them multiple times. And if it's not... you'll figure that out then too."

Gage's mouth curls up again. "Nobody has all the answers. But I bet you're wrong about your brother. He thinks pretty highly of you."

He takes another sip of eggnog, savoring the new flavor. It was so rich, but he wanted to finish what he had. Turning around, he wanders a couple feet and leans on the doorway, looking into the little living room. It still glowed blue from the tree. His eyes take it in, studying the details and seeming to get lost in thought for the longest time. "You were right," he finally comments quietly. He turns his head to see the lights reflecting in Sapphire's eyes and making her features soft in the glow. "It's pretty."

Sparky smiles and grabs two leadropes off a nearby hook. "Sure. Just stick close - they all want to come in at the same time."

Guiding Faith back out of the barn, he leads with confidence, quite the opposite of the blundering idiot he'd made of himself earlier. Arriving at the pasture, he takes hold of the first two horses at the gate and lets only them out, clipping the leadropes to their halters.

Pausing, he hands Faith one of the ropes. "Put one hand here..." He places her hand close to the halter. "And loop up the excess rope in your other hand like so." Taking her other hand, he loops the rope and curls her fingers around it. "That way if he pulls too much, you can let go and step back with one hand, but still have the rope."

Walking side by side, Sparky keeps a close eye on her and the gentle horse to make sure she was doing alright. Once they're back in the barn, he puts his own horse away then helps Faith with hers, showing her where the stall was. Standing behind her, he reaches over her shoulders to demonstrate how to unbuckle the halter and let it slide off the horse's face. Once free, the gelding turns to the hay that someone had left for his supper.

When the stall door is shut once more, Sparky gives Faith a smile. "It's that easy. We got about fifteen more out there. You wanna have a second round?"

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