
By the way..

Following Sparky out to where the horses were Faith was a little nervous that she might not to something right, but did her best to hold some confidence in herself.

Not giving hesitation to letting Sparky helping her Faith lets him show her how to do everything. She wanted to learn and she thought it was neat to have Sparky taking the time to teach her. Feeling his hands on her Faith can't help the chill that ran up her arms. Sparky's touch was rough of a working man but soft at the same time.

"Ok so hold it like this right?"

Walking side by side with Sparky Faith lets out a small laugh as there small talk continues. She'd really warmed up well to him and didn't feel quiet as strange anymore.

Entering the barn once again and having Sparky put his arms over her shoulder Faith trys to pay attachen but cant help the tingling feeling she had felt before. It was strange to feel this way with someone she just met, but after spending most of the day with him Faith felt like she had known him all her life.

"Fifteen more, my goodness how many horses are at the ranch?"

Giving a small laugh Faith turns to look at Sparky flashing a smile. Not realizing just how close he was to her as Faith turns around she becomes face to face with him. Biting her lip just a little Faith looks into Sparky's eyes for a long moment.

"I'll keep helping you as long...as you don't mind. I'm having fun."

Listing to her father Katie gives a nervous laugh. His words were easily said, and she new they Agency had been defeated many times before but they always came back. It was an uncomfortable feeling.

I'm really not to scared, I just feel very uneasy that no matter what they are going to know who we are now.

Looking to her father, Rick, and than Jason Katie's eyes held a little worry. No matter what they did now the Agency would always know who they were. Not that they hid there ability from people, but they new how to make it so not the wrong people would know. But now that had changed, they were marked.

It's going to be ok J, as long as we stick together. We are stronger that way. I love you!

Looking back to Rick Katie nods, her eyes were opened more now and just tearing from the light but she could see. Her voice was still raspy but she could still talk, her head was spliting open but she could still think. If the Agency had been trying to take them out, they had failed and they wont continue to fail. Fear is what they wanted, and they couldn't give them that satisfaction.

"We need to figure out what they shot Jason with, and if they did the same to me what could happen. We need to be prepared and do all we can to build up an immunity and see why the did this to start with or what they hopped to achieve."

Sapphire can feel her lips curl up at Gage's comment. After a few moments her cheeks started to hurt but she just couldn't stop smiling. She was so happy that Gage liked the tree, and it came out even better than she had planned.

Holding her glass Sapphire comes up next to Gage slipping her hand into his once again. Why did that so often with Gage she wasnt sure, but it felt nice, and she liked it. She only hoped That Gage didn't mind ether.

"You really do a good job. I think this is one of the best looking tree's I have seen in a while. I think you have a talent for art."

Giving Gage a sidelong glance the smile was still on Sapphire's lips. His earlyer comment hadnt gone unnoticed, but she didnt want to make a big deal out of it eather and embarass him. So she would leave her words simple but with just as much meaning.

"Thanks by the way."

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