
Giving In

Sparky groans and rolls over in bed, squinting at Mick. “What’re you doing?” he mumbles.

Mick spreads several blankets on the floor for Dylan, and waves his brother back down. “Nothing. Go back to sleep.”

“Mm…” Sparky rolls back over, pulling his pillow over his head.

Dylan tosses his jacket in the corner and flops down on the blankets, disgusted at his situation.

As Mick eases onto his bed, he catches his son’s eye for just a moment. He can remember tucking Dylan in when he was just four years old, receiving an enthusiastic hug and a begging for a bedtime story. Where had that little boy gone?

Jason is glad for the darkness as the heat rises to his face. What was he supposed to do? He didn’t want to force Katie to leave, nor did he want her sitting outside. But could he handle her staying here with him? The light caresses Katie’s face, accenting her features and creating a picture Jason would like to capture forever.
His heart beats a little faster as he stares back at her, though he forces himself not to advance. Something has to give. Something has got to relieve this tension before he drives himself crazy. Their relationship was strained enough the way it was, and he knew good and well that right now, he and Katie needed to regain their friendship.

Studying Katie’s eyes to gain a glimpse of her own thoughts, he suddenly recognizes her innocence. She had no idea of her beauty or wit, nor did she have any idea what she was doing to him right now.
It’s enough of a discovery to bring a smile to Jason’s lips. Katie was so determined…she was just stubborn enough to stick by him no matter what he said – no matter if he tried to convince her to leave or not. It was as much as saying “you’re not getting rid of me,” and he could do nothing but find pleasure in that. …He wasn’t going to stop her…he had promised he wouldn’t stand in the way of her at TJY, and he couldn’t stand in her way in this either. She had a gift to be able to sense his danger, and she had a gift of compassion – he couldn’t interfere with that.

After holding his stare for just a moment, Jason’s pent up emotions build to a pressure he can no longer hold. Before he can help it, they erupt in laughter. He shakes his head as he laughs, not even being able to believe this situation he’s in. He can’t think of anything other than friendship, for that’s exactly what Katie was demonstrating…and she was demonstrating it so well that he was backed into a corner with no way to escape her kindness.

Giving in and finally able to let go of all other thoughts, Jason slings his arm around Katie’s shoulders. He draws her into a side bear hug as his laughter subsides into a wide grin. Roughing up her hair teasingly with his free hand, he shakes his head. “Alright, Hero, you can stay on one condition – promise me that next time you won’t half-kill yourself getting here.”

He sighs and looks down at himself. “I did a good job on myself tonight didn’t I?” He rolls his eyes. “If you’re going to stay, at least help me up off the floor so I can sit on the couch and quit feeling like an idiot.”

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