
Personal Hero Away.

*As Katie sleep she toss and turns. Hiting Henry on mistake and sending him running out the door. Katie shoots out of bed. Something was wrong again. It was Jason....Katie's Mind reals. Reaching out she picks up her phone. She new Jason was a grown man and dident need to hold his hand but she had to make sure he was ok. Katie dials his number waiting she finaly gets his answering masheen. Panic grabs Katie even more why wasent Jason answering.* "J its Katie. Its gonna be ok." *Hanging up Katie jumps out of bed and throws her clothing on. Henry sits outside Katies door just looking at her. Katie grabs a peace of paper and jots a fast note to Laura.* {Laura, Had to go out, something came up and I had to check it out. I'll be back soon. Katie}
*Katie heads downstairs and throws the note on the table. walking outside she relizes she dosent have a car. Breaking into a jog Katie starts to run down the street. After about a half hour Katie finally makes it to the house. Not even worrying about how thirsty she is She jumps the steps and knocks on the door. When no Answer comes Katie looks into the windows. Everything is dark. Taking her Credit Card from her pocket she pushes it in the lock and pops the door open. Katie enters a hand on her gun just in case something goes wrong.* "J...are you in here?"

*Rosetta looks from Mick to Dylan her own sadness taking over for the boy. Rosetta gets into the Jeep and starts it up heading for home. The ride is quiet. Rosetta takes her free hand and olds Mick leting him know its gonna be ok. Time seems to drag on the way home.*

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