
Don't you know

Mick squeezes Rosetta's hand, glad for her company. He glances back at Dylan who simply sulks, unwilling to talk or even look at him. Mick had thought they'd parted on good terms when Dylan had been out to the ranch last - apparently something had changed in the last few months.
Not much is said until they get back to the ranch, and Mick exits, making sure Dylan follows. "Thanks, Rosetta. I'll have Dylan bunk down with Sparky and me for tonight at least. If anyone asks about anything, tell them I'll explain in the morning."

Jason rolls over to rub his carpet-burned hand, irritated with himself and feeling stupid for tripping over the table. Trooper hovers over him, but he waves him away, just wanting room to breathe.

The phone rings. Startled, Jason's heart continues to race, though he's too much in a daze to get to the receiver to answer it. Straining to hear the answering machine in the kitchen, he's taken aback by hearing Katie's voice. As the brief message ends, Jason has no doubt that Katie will be coming. It's been a long time since he's been in this position, and he feels even more ridiculous. He should be able to take care of himself. He shouldn't let these kinds of things keep happening - he was a grown man for crying out loud. He knew from his sessions with Adam several months prior that this would probably happen every once in a while, but even Jason had to admit that he hadn't expected it to be this severe.

His muscles are still weak, and it's difficult just to get into a sitting position, much less stand, so Jason settles back against the bottom of the couch, just trying to recover. Trooper lies down next to him, confused and nervous by his master's behavior.

Jason hadn't turned the heat up in the house since getting home from Wyatt's, and the chilly air mixed with his sweaty clothes sends a chill down his spine. But a blanket is too far away for him to want to try reaching. Not now...maybe...in a few.... Jason's eyes fly open again as a remnant from his nightmare comes flying back.

Suddenly Trooper tenses, the hair on his neck standing on end as he lets out a low growl. Jason is immediately on guard, now hoping it was Katie and not an intruder that he would be unable to fend off. Trooper stands and takes several steps forward as the door opens, barring his teeth, his eyes glinting in the dim light cast by the street light outside the window.
Jason can just barely make out Katie's form, and a new fear hits him. "Trooper, back off," he orders weakly. His dog pays no head, determined to protect his injured master.
Mustering up the energy he's got left, Jason manages to raise his voice. "Back off."
Trooper whines, knowing Jason means business, and able to sense that Jason is not afraid of this person. Taking another couple steps forward, it's as if the dog realizes who it is, and immediately he relaxes to greet Katie. He offers a soft woof and spins circles, trying to lead Katie to Jason, nuzzling and licking her hand.

Now that Katie is here, Jason doesn't even know how to respond. He felt stupid, embarrassed and vulnerable. Part of him was glad she had come...it proved that maybe they did have a shot at becoming close friends again. Yet her presence once again stirred feelings within him that he was trying to bury. He simply had to ignore them.

As Katie approaches, he manages to force half a grin, his breathing still slightly shallow. "Don't you know you shouldn't be out this late at night?"

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