

Mick hugs BJ back, giving him a pat. "You bet I'm a gremlin," he teases. "But I'm the nice kind."

He chuckles and looks down to where Scott was. "Blinky? Drool?"

"Ay!" Scott calls from under the table. "Blinky the one-eyed pirate and his can of drool. Doesn't get much better than that!"

Mick quirks an eyebrow, then shakes his head. "I don't want to know."

Scott laughs and scoots back so he can look up at Mick. Rubbing his blind eye, he then points at the wires. "I'll be connected to headquarters in about two hours. By then, Reese should have a team together."

Jade slips out of the truck, grateful for Dan's assistance. "Mmm.... Greek sounds good to me. You have good tastes."

She casually slips her arm through Dan's to walk to the door, leaning into him a little. It felt good to have a friend... she didn't really have many back home... and this was nice.

Jason flops down on his couch, letting one arm flop over to scratch Trooper's head. He'd just come from Katie's house, leaving a rose on the kitchen table for her. He knew she'd be talking to him once she got back - she'd already let him know what was happening on her drive back to Nevada. He hadn't told her that he'd been to her place though, and they were just planning to see each other in the morning at work since she'd be back late.

Gunner's scream shatters the darkness. Sitting bolt upright on the couch, his whole body shakes, his heart racing. His eyes look wildly about the dark room for several moments before he realizes where he is and that the evil being from his dream was not here with him.

Still disoriented, he stands up shakily, realizing that he's soaked with his own sweat. Making it to his bedroom, he's somehow able to change into a dry tee and pants, but continues to shake. It felt like he was shivering from the cold, but he was hot. Stumbling to the kitchen, he's still unsteady, his mind in a fog.

Downing a glass of water, his mouth still feels dry. He gropes his way back to the living room but a wave of dizziness forces him to the floor. At that point, he finally gives up. Leaning back against the wall, he tries to calm his body down, but it just doesn't seem to do any good. It felt like he'd had an overdose of uppers, but it was only the shock of his nightmare. Images from the dream bombard his mind, making his eyes see things in the dark that weren't really there. Logic would say it was simply stress, but Gunner's mind was not at a point to reason with what was happening. 3-D images, flashes and shadows of the horrid creature come and go, giving him a sense that he wasn't really in his apartment.

Gasping for breath, he blinks away more sweat that was quickly soaking another set of clothes. Fumbling in the dark, he hits his table, knocking the cordless phone to the floor. He wasn't even sure what on earth he was doing. He just couldn't shake the disoriented feeling, which had him all the more confused.

Grasping the phone, he didn't know how he remembered any numbers at all, let alone this one... wait... whose was it? He frowns as he hears the other end ringing, not even realizing he'd dialed Bree's number. Who had he just called, and why was he calling anybody? Was he still asleep?

Hearing Bree's voice, he suddenly realizes he's still on the floor, and not asleep. "Um... Bree? I... I need... Um...." He rubs his forehead, trying to think. "Would you... or... something... I don't feel so good." The image of the car accident flashes in his mind, and a wave of despair hits him like it hadn't for several days. "I can't take this... I can't do it."

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