
Tell me

*Katie movies around to the front of Jason when he doesn't turn around. She hated feeling this way, and she new Jason did too. But a whole new string of questions arose as she could feel Jason trying to lock everything out. You don't what to go through this again? You...what about me? Don't I have a say or doesn't what I have to say matter? Why are you always so intent on shying away? Why don't you even just tell me how you really feel. Katie looks Jason squair in the eyes, her own proding his.*

"Answer my question, this one last time Jason, and if the answer is you don't I'll leave you alone about it. I'll never bring it up again, I'll never ask you again, I'll never tell you again that I do, I wont put you in the position to feel this again eather. J...."

*Katie brings a hand to the side of Jason's face. Silent for a moment before speaking again.*

"...look me in the eye, and tell me you don't love me."

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