

Katie just stairs at Jason for a moment as her mind runs rampid. Did she really hear him right? Did he honistly say what she just thought he did?

So many things, and feelings start to rage in Katie's mind coming back all at once. Her love, the one that had been locked away was coming to the surface once again.

As if snapping out of a trace Katie relizes and feels Jason's energy fadding away from her very touch. Jerking her hand away Katie stands and looks at Jason again for a moment. Almost a fear showing. Slowly Katie steps away and turns, her stomach was in knots. Turning and starts to walk away Katie love for Jason finally breaks through as she turns and looks at him the moonlight shinning on him. What was she doing, she let him go once, and she couldent walk away again. Without even thinking Katie turns looking at Jason. Quickly walking back to him she slowly moves her arms around Jason's neck at her heart beats so fast it feels that it might come out of her chest. Her breath heavy as she draws closer to Jason. The look in her eye, showed what once was there a long time ago still remained even if it was locked away. Bring her emotions to the surfice without words Katie convays what she is feeling. If I was asked, I couldn't say I didn't anymore eather. Why did we fool ourselfs into think we ever stoped? Bringing her lips to Jason's Katie press them aganst his softly before pulling away and giving a small smile and than returning again this time a little harder this time, as she put much pentup and locked away passion into it. Remebering the sweetness of Jason's kiss, and remembering the loning for it again Katie dosn't break the moment as her one arm slips to the back of Jason's head and runs through his hair and the other gently moves to his back as her grip tightens just a bit.*

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