
Not set

"Oh I'll always remember them, that much is certin..."

Mistys lips curl up in a sidelong grin. Oh how good it felt to banter like this with Carson again. The old memories were good and now the new ones were going to be even better.

Returning Carson's kiss Misty basks in the emotions again that send a serge through her. As he burst out in laughter she cant help but laugh herself. How much joy she felt in knowing, that Carson found himself again yet had still made changes.

Taking the plate with the omelet on it Misty just smiles at Carson the twinkle in her eye as life was given back to them. Giving a small chuckle she replys.

"Something tells me Herb wouldnt be to thrilled to hear that your girlfriend pulls a knif on you."

Setting her plate down Misty grabs her phone and than turns to Carson.

"I'll be right back I am gonna call and let work know I am going to be late. I really feel like spending more time with you than I do going back to that place."

Leaving the room Misty dialy the number right for the infermary. She would rather let Rick know she was going to be late than to have to talk to Austin himself. She was never late before but with the way he had been acting she didnt know if he would have a cow or not and this morning she didnt want to deal with it.

Getting the answering service Misty just leave a quick message saying she will be in later and if Austin asked to let him know she would deal with him later as well. Turning again Misty heads back into the kitchen and sits down at the table smile at Carson again.

"Ok, I am ready to eat now, and I have a few more hours with you that I think will be well spend."

Entering the restront Jess scans the table. She had been running late again this morning and hoped that Axel had waited for her and not given up. Finally looking twords one of the table by a window a smile spreads across her face seeing Axel.

Making her way over Jess removes her jacket and slids into the booth. Her hair still damp showing how much of a rush she had been in. Folding her hand in her lap for a moment she gives a shiver. It was bitter cold out today and her wet hair hadnt helped much.

"Morning. Sorry I am late my alarm didnt go off right this morning and I am not sure why. I thought for sure I had set it, but alass it was not turned on."

Giving the waitress her drink order Jess scans the menu quickly. Finally decieding what she wanted Jess waits for the waitress to come back to place her older. Turning to Axel once again she gives a smile. It really was nice to be able to spend time with people once and a while.

"So, how has your morning been so far?"

Sitting at her desk Katie rubs a hand over her face. The bags under her eyes prove it had been a long night for her. Jason for the most part was at peace about many things that made him uptight before but yet, there was something that Katie wasnt sure about. She had hit a brick wall last night. Jason had blocked certine emotions from her and she guessed they were about the meeting, but it had made for a long night.

Glancing down at the clock she takes note that it is 9:30. In about 15 min she would head down to the meeting room. But before than she wanted to finish her letter home. Though getting side tracked once again relizing Jason never greeted her this morning. That was strange he always did. Typing at the same time Katie sends a message.

Good Morning J. You all ready for the meeting?

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