
Slurred explanation

Scott’s eyes close as he feels Katie’s hands. He had missed her so much…not just her touch, but her voice…her presence.

Finally he draws away enough he can see her face. Taking a gentle hand, he wipes away her tears.

“I don’t know what to do, Hero…is it possible to start again? Is it possible to start from the beginning?” He swallows hard, so unsure about the future…so unsure about his own decisions. He’d thought once he’d made the wrong choice…was this meant to be or was he just making a stupid move all over again? “I need to know what you really want.”

Kyle catches note of Misty’s tears and it dawns on him the only thing that could have happened. If there had been some accident or something, Jason would have said so. There was only one reason Misty would be crying after the mention of Carson, and Kyle felt terrible for bringing up his name, even if he hadn’t known. He simply nods at her request for water and leaves to go get the drinks.

Jason offers Misty a knowing smile. “I didn’t ask you to come so you’d be great company.” He leans back in the booth and sighs deeply, wishing he had some comforting words to say, but he was drawing a blank. Figuring it was best then to simply remain quiet, he does.

It’s a few minutes before Kyle returns with their drinks. Setting the glasses down, he turns, but then pauses a moment, glancing at Misty.

Thinking for just a second or two, he glances at Jason, then back to Misty before easing down in the booth next to her. He didn’t know everything…most of it was an assumption. But he knew he wasn’t on the wrong path with this one. He didn’t know the details, but he didn’t need to. He didn’t know who was to blame, but it didn’t matter.

As only Kyle could do, he reaches over and puts an arm around Misty to give her a gentle hug. “It’ll be okay,” he assures softly. “You got a circle of friends here who love ya and aren’t gonna let you stay out in the cold.”

He leans forward a little and cocks his head so he can see Misty’s face, the tears in her eyes not bothering him. “God has a plan for you, Misty, no matter what’s happening. He’s got you here for a reason even if you can’t see it, and if you trust in Him, He’s not going to let you down.”

Kyle knows that he’s talking in front of a man who doesn’t believe, and he’s not even sure if Misty does or not. But the conviction to say the words are heavy on his heart, and he won’t deny the Spirit’s leading. “If you ever need to talk or anything, me, Phil, Jen or Mike are always around, alright?”

He gives her another little squeeze before withdrawing and standing back up. “Alright…” He grins. “What’s for supper, you two?”

Carson’s eyes fly open and he gives a jolt, slow on the uptake that Nate is there. He blinks, just staring at him lamely for several moments, trying to understand the questions being asked of him.

He looks down like a little boy who knows he’s done something wrong, and fidgets with the bottle. “I’s j’st c’mn t’ see Misty ‘s all.” He takes another swig of whiskey, almost missing his mouth.

Drinking too quickly, he coughs and wipes his mouth with his sleeve, leaning his back up against the door and staring into nothingness, his eyes glazed over to prove the state he’s in.

“I did s’mth’n bad, Nate.” He nods emphatically. “Ch…cheat’d r’ght then, there w’th Velvttt, an’ Misty fnd ‘t.”

He stands up straighter, but sways unsteadily and goes back to leaning on the door. “’ts ovr, sh’ said… ‘vr f’r g’d an’ I think it’s th’ trth…”

He swipes at his stinging eyes.

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