
Never have

*Once home Katie warms up some food for herself and than heads into the bathroom getting ready for bed. Taking her food into her room she shuts the door slightly and throws her PJ's on before sitting down at her computer desk and opening her email. Taking a bit of her food she starts to type.*

"Dear Dad,

It's been a little bit since I wrote to you last, I guess you could say memorie loss got in the way. I'm sure you new about that though. Everything is pretty much back to normal now. We as normal as it can be. I remember everything, and though I lack some emotions still I remember the important ones. Like the ones connected with my friends and with the one I love.
Oh yeah good news, Scott and I have decieded to give it another go. I know I wrote to you letting you know how confused I was and how I thought I was hurting him but Dad I saw how he was after I left him and I relised that hurt him even more. My love for Scott is so differnt from any other its hard to explain. So we are starting over, from the start and are going to give it a go one more time.
Jason is doing well, we are funcitoning well together now as friends. He's really grown up alot Dad and come along way.
Well I better get going. I'll write again soon. I love you dad!


*Sending the email Katie leans back in her chair and finishs off her food. As if she was suddinly slapped Katie drops her plate with the food on it and lets out a shreek as emotions bombard her all at once out of no where. It was Jason, the emotions, something was wrong, he was in a great deal of pain to not be blocking anything from her. Katie's mind races as it trys to catch up and process the information being thrown at it, buts its to fast...its coming to hard.

Tears from in Katie's eyes as the information keeping coming the pain running through her. It hurt, it hurt alot and Katie dident know what way was up. Pulling herself from the ground to witch she had slumped to Katie trys to open her eyes, as everything spins. One emotion after another over flowing, Katie's head felt like it would pop if it dident stop. Reaching for her phone Katie is about to dial Jason's number when a new emotions is immited. Everything for a split second stoped and fear, and pain entered. A shooting pain runs through Katie's let, as she grabs for it. The emotions once again being throw at her. If she dident stop them, if she dident get to Jason things could end bad.

Standing Katie gives her head a little shake trying to clear it enough to get to Jason. The flex of the emotions were great and Katie needed to move fast. Slipping on her sandles Katie forgets she is in her PJ's and heads out the front door and down to her car. By time she is inside the rain is coming down pretty good and she is drenches. Geting in Katie can feel Jason's emotions calming but still running wild. Katie had to go to him...He couldent just sit there forever.

Starting her car Katie pulls out of the driveway and heads across town, making turn after turn, till finally she could feel the emotions of Jason stronger and slows keeping an eye open.

Finally Katie sees a figure on the side of the road and can make it out to be Jason. Pulling over to the side of the road Katie parks her car and gets out as the rain continues to fall soaking her pajams and hair. Going over to Jason Katie bends down on the ground next to Jason. Reaching out she touches his arm lightly.*


*Looking down at his knee Katie see the blood and reflex kicks in. Tearing off the bottom of her shirt she wets is alittle and than places it on top of the cut before looking back to Jason and seeing the pain in his eyes.

Gently Katie reachs out and wraps her arms around her friend. Offering herself to now be his shelter as he was hers. Katie contiuens to hold Jason gently swaying. Trying to offer as much comfort as she can.*

*Misty slowly turns her head to Kyle hearing his voice. Why she had come back inside the Pizza Box she wasnet sure. Had she hoped maybe Kyle would talk to her again she dident know. All she new is she was here now, and Kyle was in front of her talking.*

"I guess I did. The food was pretty good and the comapny wasent so bad eather."

*Misty looks away from Kyle again and looks out the window for a moment letting Kyle's question go unanswered for a little bit. Misty's mind still raced as she processed the question along with the other emotions she felt. She dident want to go, but she dident want to stay and Kyle seemed so adamint about making her feel better.

Letting out a small sigh Misty turns back to Kyle and trys to give a smile.*

"I'm a docture remeber? Pneumonia is pretty easy to cure is caught right away."

*Misty stands and grabs her purse.*

"I've never walked in the rain before other than to my car. That might feel nice. I can drive if you want."

*Misty felt strange about going somewhere with Kyle, she dident know him all that well but she new Jason new him and he seemed like an ok guy who was trying to cheer her up. Maybe this was the discration for new Misty needed. Being with friends was said to be the way to heal a broken heart, Misty could only hope it would heel fast. Though she new it was going to be a slow painful process.*

*Nate's eyes fly open as he hears the loud thump. Blinking for a moment he remembers where he is and gets to his feet as he hears Carson throw up.

Going into the kitchen Nate searches several cubords till he finds the cups. Grabing some water he heads into the bathroom givnig a light tap. Entering Nate flushes the tolite for Carson and than kneels down next to him holding out the glass.*

"Here, drink this it will help you feel a little better."

*Nate stays with Carson in the bathroom not saying much but just being there if he needed him. Nate wasent sure what to say or how to make him feel better all he could do was be there for his friend. God would plan the rest out. Slidng to the floor Nate cross his legs as he watches his friend with worry.*

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