
My street

Scott lets silence rule for several moments as he tries to process everything. His whole world had come crashing down, and now he was faced with an opportunity to rebuild it. "Okay."

He leans his face into Katie's hand and closes his eyes for a second or two. "We'll start over." Opening his eyes, he sees her, and sees the love. No matter what the future held, he couldn't deny her now.

Cocking his head, he kisses her again with passion, pulling her close to him once more. Moving back a little, he gives her a wry grin. "Besides...I can't afford another ring right now anyway." Giving her cheek one last brush with the back of his hand, he finally releases her.

There was so much to say, so much to discuss...but right now, he just wanted to stop while he was ahead. He needed to think...needed to pray. "You should get going," he suggests quietly. "Tomorrow we can talk more."

Kyle smiles at Misty's order. "Mm, good choice." After taking Jason's order too, he take their menus and promises to be back.

The meal is fairly quiet. Jason doesn't force Misty to talk, though they do discuss work a little bit, and Kyle returns several times to crack jokes and make them laugh.

As the evening draws on, Jason finally gets ready to leave, knowing that Misty will probably head back to work. "I'll see you at work in the morning, alright?" He stops on the sidewalk outside just for a moment as it's still raining. "You need anything, don't forget you can call."

Taking his time, he goes to his truck. Just as he's starting the engine, his phone vibrates on his belt. Looking at it, he quirks an eyebrow. Camryn. "Hey, you, I'm just on my way home."

"Okay good. Can I meet you at your place?"

Jason's not sure he likes the tone of her voice. "Of course. What's up?"

"Nothing. Well...something, but...I... I just want to talk to you."

The hair on the back of Jason's neck bristles. "Okay...I'll be there in a few minutes."

Carson looks in disappointment as Nate empties the bottle, and gives a sigh. "Alwys gotta ruin my f'n.... dn't y'...."

Dumbly following Nate's lead, he has to lean heavily on the taller man to make it down the porch steps, almost falling once, and finding it funny. Staggering along, he's finally in Nate's car, but needs help with the seatbelt, unable to line up the buckle.

On their way, Carson leans his head against the window. "Sh' s'd it's ov'r...." He nods. "Yep....all ov'r an' done with an' th'ts it." He throws a hand in the air accidentally hitting the rearview mirror. "But I g't s'meone else anywy, so I sh'dn't be sad, nope." He shakes his head. "N' one c'n tell me whatta do, ya kn'w... 'cause I'm C'rs'n Banks."

He glances out the window, his eyes widening and he points. "Hey...this's....this's my street."

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