

*Katie looks up at Scott searching his eyes. She did not want to hurt him, she did love him to much for that. But if Scott could understand, if they could work around this could it work.*

"I want to be happy Scotty, and I was when I was with you."

*Katie brings her hand to the side of Scott's face running a finger over his cheek and jaw.*

"I want to try again Scott, I want you. I made a horrable mistake and now, I am asking I am begging for a second chanse to make us both happy. "

*Katie continues to search Scott's eyes for his emotions. For what he was thinking and feeling.*

"There will be some things we need to work through but if your willing to try, than I want that. If you can understand, and trust me than I want us. I want to try again Scotty. I'd like us to start over at the beginning and try again."

*Misty gives a small jump as Kyle sits down next to her. She dident know him all that well and it saprised her that he would sit down, put his arm around let alone talk to her. Misty turns her head listing to Kyle, trying to keep stuff the rest of the tears stuffed away.

Listing to Kyle's kind words Misty is greatful and a little intreged by some of the things he said. Offering him a smile Misty gives a nod.*

"Thank you Kyle."

*Looking to Jason and than to Kyle again Misty lets out a small tired sigh. She was drained all the crying today but she dident want to sleep, she dident want to close her eyes, or be left in the darkness alone. Misty new she had some friends who cared and it felt good. But would it be enough to get her through this?*

"...I know I do have a few friends who care. Its comforting to know that."

*Looking down at her menu again Misty's smile slowly fades as everything goes quiet again. She wasent very hungry, but she new if she dident at least attempt to eat something Jason and Kyle now would probley get on her case.*

"I'll have a six inch salmi sub with everything and mayo and some french frys on the side."

*Misty closes her menu and hands it to Kyle.*

*Nate brings a hand to his head as he trys to make sence of what Carson is saying. Picking up bits and peaces he understands. For a moment a suddin anger rises inside of him at Carson but as soon as it rises it dies conserned for his friends state at the moment more than anything alse. Knowing drinking and a drepresstion for the situation was not a good combanation and is worryed Carson would make a stupid chose.

Looking down at the bottle in Carson's hand Nate reaches out and takes it knowing Carson wouldent have the energy to fight him. Turning the bottle over in the grass Nate dumps what is left out tossing the empty bottle in the trash. Than turning back to his friend he shakes his head.*

"Oh Carson...When will you learn huh?"

*Nate lets out a sigh and goes next to Carson slinging his arm around his neck and heading to his car.*

"Come on, lets get you home before someone calls the cops on you."

*Nate helps Carson into the car and than heads around to his own side getting in.*

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