
Evolving further

Jason can see headlights coming down the road, and the closer they come, the more sure he is of who it is. Lifting his head only slightly, he doesn’t try to move, but just feels numb all over. He can hear Katie’s soft footsteps approaching through the rain. It’s all like a bad dream he can’t wake from.

Flinching just a little as she covers his fresh wound, he almost says something, but words just don’t seem to come.

As Katie’s arms move around him, it’s more than Jason can take. Feeling a fool, but unable to control the level of emotions he’s experiencing, he finally falls apart.

Leaning into Katie, he rests his head on her shoulder, his tears masked by the rain that is falling. He hurt physically, but worse was the pain in his heart.

Katie’s touch begins to draw out his emotions, and he lets them go freely, unwilling to fight this time. Sadness, grief, sorrow, anger, confusion. The emotions paint a picture of what had happened…the words exchanged between him and Camryn…the end result of her leaving her ring on the table before walking away.

Allowing the emotions to outline these events, Jason knows that without words, Katie would know exactly what happened. And for once…for one of the first times, he’s glad that they have this connection.

In reality, it’s only a few minutes, but it feels like an eternity that the two just sit on the roadside. Jason swallows hard and finally lifts his head, though his eyes don’t meet Katie’s. He glances to her car. Still no words are needed.

Turning, he picks up his helmet and tries to get his feet under himself to stand up, but he has to use Katie to help him a little. Limping to her car, he takes off his jacket, taking note of the tear he hadn’t noticed in the sleeve, but not really caring. He’d have to come back for his bike tomorrow, but most likely it would be out of commission for a while if not for good.

Sliding into the passenger seat, he waits for Katie to get in too, his hand automatically going to rub his knee. He’d feel pain and misery before. But this was a new kind of pain…one he’d never experienced quite like this before.

Jason is still silent, finally leaning back in the seat and closing his eyes. He just wanted to find a corner somewhere and curl up in a little ball to shut out the world. But his physical pain keeps him from mentally shutting down.

The thoughts come without him even realizing what he’s doing. But the communication is there despite the lack of verbal exchange.

Thanks, Katie. I need to go see Rick to make sure I’m okay.

Kyle can see just the bit of uneasiness in Misty’s eyes, and knows she probably feels strangely that he’s just asked her to go with him, but he tries to help her relax, keeping his own body language and tone casual.

“Never gone out in the rain just for the fun of it?” He tsks with a chuckle. “Then you’re in for a treat. Come on.” He nods to the door in response to her suggestion. “I’ll take my truck. You can follow in your car.” He didn’t’ want to invade any space or hinder her from getting away any time she wanted.

…The rain is coming just a little steadier now, and Kyle parks his truck by the curb and gets out, his baseball cap shielding his face. Waiting for Misty, he grins and walks toward the center of the park. Once there, the fountain is bubbling and spraying, lights displaying colors of blue, red and green within the water, creating almost as fairytale-like atmosphere.

Kyle laughs and holds out his arms, spinning and looking up at the rain clouds in the dark. Getting completely soaked, he looks to Misty again and grabs her hand without warning, spinning her around, letting the rain come down around him. His contagious energy motivates his actions and his laughter.

Stopping, he takes off his hat and slaps it onto Misty’s head, his eyes twinkling with his ever-present mischief. He knew Misty was hurting…he knew her heart ached. But one could never stop living.

“It’s just you and me, baby,
We’re dancing in the rain.
It’s just you and me, Misty,
Dancing in the rain.”

Kyle’s smile remains on his face as his words rings out. Though being silly, his voice is strong and mellow, pleasing to the ears.

“We’re fightin’ off our sorrows,
Dancing in the rain.
Washing our cares away,
Dancing in the rain.

Oh time don’t stop,
We’re making the most of it.
Time don’t stop,
So we’re learning to see it through.
Time don’t stop,
We’re spinning in circles,
Around, around and around, around,
Around, and around and around…”

Scott spins under the rain, running his hand through the fountain to splash the lit-up water into the night air.

“It’s just you and me, baby,
We’re dancing in the rain.
It’s just you and me, Misty,
Dancing in the rain.

We’re forgetting all the bad times,
Dancing in the rain.
Washing our tears away…
…We’re dancing in the rain.”

Kyle stops by the fountain, leaning down to reach his hand into the blue water, cupping his fingers and bringing a splash out in Misty’s direction.

Carson is remotely aware that Nate is in the bathroom with him, and accepts the water. At first that doesn’t even want to stay down, but it’s soon that he’s able to drink half a glass without getting sick anymore.

By now, his stomach ached from being sick, and his energy is spent. He just numly stasys on the floor, leaning back against the wall. Though still inebriated, he’s not quite as drunk, and can at least figure out what’s going on.

“Go home Nate,” he mutters. “You got better things to do than…than sitting here watching me puke my guts out.”

Carson closes his eyes, his world spinning.

Dani lets out a long sigh as she stares at her laptop’s screen. This was the only thing she had to go on. It was weird…one wouldn’t think it would be so hard to find someone. One would think you could just ask the right people. But Dani had had far worse luck, running into brick wall after brick wall. But somewhere along the way she’d found a name she recognized, and an email address.
From: Danielle Davis
To: Angelica Lockheart
Subject: Carson Banks
Hi, Angelica. I don’t know if you remember me or not. I took refuge once in your home earlier this year when my brother, Carson Banks was keeping me from danger.
He is the reason I write to you now. It’s taken me this long just to get this far, and I still fear it’s a shot in the dark. I’ve been trying to get in touch with Carson but have had no luck. I have heard nothing since the incident here in California. I have tried calling him and writing him, but to no avail. I don’t know if he was taken to jail, or if he’s even alive and well. My greatest fear is that he simply has rejected contact despite our brief and touching reunion.
If you have any idea where he is, or have any information at all, I would greatly appreciate your help.
Thank you for your present help, as well as your help in the past.
-Danielle Davis (Dani Banks)

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