

*Katie leans back in the chair writing everything Scott says including where the files on everyone in Texas. Though she dosent let it show it does make her un nerved. Not being there to help them if something was to go wrong. Wes and Cindy were just married they couldent have troubles already, and in those files did they talk about BJ. If The Agency new BJ was there would they attack trying to get to him. One question after another runs through Katie's mind. Katie looks to Scott and than to Rick.*

"I know right where Scott is talking about in his house from being there before. I can go and see if they are still there are not."

*Before eather of them can say anything Katie rolls her eyes.*

"I was a bodyguard for a while before the accident, I think I can handle myself as well as Nate or Jason can anyday."

*Still holding the notebook and pen Katie folds her arms across her chest.*

*Jamie looks up at Carson's voice and smiles alittle. As Carson speaks Jamie cocks her head at him Her smile still holding ferm but a more serouse tone in her voice now showing she ment what she said.*

"Carson, there was no need for you to say sorry to me. I already forgave you. You know that. But for whats its worth I forgive you again.."

*Jamie smiles again and stands. Giving Carson a small hug before drawing away.*

"Its water under the bridge now ok? You have changed and thats what matters. I'm glad you got your life straght. What happend to me was terrable but good came from it and thats what matters."

*Wendy's cheeks turns a soft shade of as she heads out of the shop with Clint. Most of her days were and nights were spent with him. Wendy had grown close to Clint and everyone new it. Wendy slips her hand into Clints as they make there way to the mell hall. As Clint stops and makes his abrupt exit Wendy shrugs and make her own way to the mess hall to start lunch and wait for Clint.*

*As Luke wraps his arms around Angel she smiles bringing her arms up to his. Playing a small kiss on the one.*

"Your my sunshine Luke. As long as I have you there isent a cloud in the sky. I just wish I new what alse to do to help you. I hate seeing you in so much pain. One day I'll figure it out how to help you. Dont you worry."

*As Clint and Jim enter the bunk house Angel looks up a bit confused. Taking Clint hand in helping her up she still is confused but grabs the basket and blanket anyways. Finally understanding what is going on Angel cant help but smile.*

"We were going to head over to where the wildflowers grow in that field with the tree and swing."

*As the four exit the bunk Angel goes first her smile only growing bigger.*

*Rosetta turns from the table and smiles as her brother enters. It was good to have her brother around and feeling so much better. As Rosetta goes to reply something clinks in her head. ERIC...she needed to call him still and let him know about the wedding. A suddon wave of sadness comes over Rosetta for a moment. Something inside her wish she could find Trent and let him know as well. He was always the brother Rosetta was closest too, and ever since what happend years back, Rosetta never found her peace and still longed to talk with him again. Shaking her head Rosetta jots downt to call Eric and Jay than turns back to Jeff after looking down at her watch*

"I would of thought he would of been back by now. Maybe he was slown down by the storm tearing everything up. Give him about another hour or so and than I can call him or you can. He should be back soon though he promised BJ to let him help with the corn and go riding with him. I dont think Mick would break his promise. Thats not like him."

*As Rosetta go to speak more BJ could bouncing in front the TV room.*


*BJ rungs over and throws his arms around Jeff's leg.*

"Tan I come and hewlp you?"

*Rosetta cant help but smile at BJ and than smile up at Jeff.*

*Wes sits down taking a bit of his sandwhich.*

"Mmmm...this tasts just as good as the tuna would of. Anything you cook is good."

*Wes feels a bit of worry pass through him hearing Cindy was still sick again. Taking a bit of his food again and than a sip of water.*

"I can stay home with you for the rest of the afternoon if you like and help you around the house. Maybe you just overworked yourself on top of being sick. You should just relax and let me worry the rest of the day."

*Wes smiles at Cindy not minding one bit staying home with her.*

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