

*As they slow coming up to Misty apartment her knees feel a bit week. She hadent had a workout like that in a long while but she loved everymoment of it. Fresh air in the lunch and the hottest guy in Nevada by her side.*

"Well Mr. Banks I thank you for the run this morning it was most enjoyable. How about I pick you up for work since we had that nice workout already?"

*Katie looks down at Domino and shakes her head before starting to walk again.*

"All right you lets go."

*Katie heads out of TJY with Domino and goes for alittle walk leting her do her business. Taking alittle longer to go back inside circling down to a courner store to grab some dog food and a dish. After paying Katie makes her way back to TJY and than the infermary puting the bowl down and pouring food for Domino. Not seeing Scott Katie figures her went to use the rest room or clean up. Hearing Scotts comment when she first walked in she finally turns.*

"Your not three Scott, but your hurt pretty bad. Just let Rick help you so you dont help youself more please? for me?"

*Katie's eyes plea with Scott showing she cared and dident want to see anything alse happen to Scott.*

*Bj beams and runs outside after Mick yelling and waving from the from porch.*

"Den after I hewp with the torn can I wide the Pony wif you down the twail?"

*BJ brings a finger to to his eyes and rubs it. His big blue eyes full of excitment and wonder.

Rosetta stands and heads outside standing next to BJ ruffling his hair and waving to Mick along with BJ. How splended and sweet God had let her life get. Soon she was going to have the family she always wanted. THough it wasent what most people would call a normal family, Rosetta wouldent think twice about wanting anything more. God had given her what she soon would have. A Husband and a child she could call her own and give as much love as a blood child. Yes Rosetta was happy, and thaked God for what he was giving her.*

*After finishing up talking with Wendy Wes exiting the office heading back over to Clint and leting out a sigh.*

"If you cant figure that thing out dont worry about it. Take alittle break and get some lunch. I know a pretty girl who might be waiting for some lunch herself."

*Wendy stands leaning on the counter and gives alittle wave when Wes looks at her as a smile spreads across her face even more.*

*Wes cant help but grin. He liked having his Nefew around to help and tease. Wes got along with him well and was happy he was there to see him change from when he first got to the ranch.*

"I am going to be heading back to the house to see how Cindy is doing. If you not busy alittle later and/or not to tired do you think you cant help me move the coutch and a few other things from the bunk back to the house? You might even get a free meal out of it from Cindy."

*Wes beams. He was so proud and happy. He loved showing the new house off and his lovly wife off as well. He was so happy with the way everything had turned out. Wes new everything choise he had made was the right one. How everything fit together, and worked out perfectly.*

*Grabing the picnic lunch from the counter Angel grabs a blanket as well. She hadent seen Luke all morning but he had promised to go on a small picnic with her this afternoon. Figureing her was still at his bunk Angel makes her way there and gives a knock on the door.*

"Luke, I'd ready for the picnic now if your still feeling up to it."

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