

*After about a half hour Misty is dressed and heading out the door. Arriving at TJY she heads for the infermary alittle slowly than normal. Her legs still felt little jello like. Making her ways across the floor she stops and make aim for the break room instead to grab some bottled water first.*

*Katie looks at Reese and gives a nod.*

"Ya thats not a problem I can talk to ya when he feels a bit better."

*ALittle time pass and Katie lets Scott sleep some more. He needed all the rest he could get. Katie only left once more to grab some of her own paper work but shortly returned to keep watch over Scott. As the time pass Katie finally stands again and makes her way over to Scott give him a small smile.*

"Starting to feel good enough to talk about what happennd alittle? Reese wanted me to ask ya since I am already here with you."

*As Angel enters the bunk and see Luke on the floor fear rushes over her. Whenever Angel saw Luke hurting something always went off in her mind that caused her to panick. She hated seeing Luke in pain and not knowing what to do for him. Going over next to him Angel sets the basket and blanket down and bends down on her knees.*

"Are you legs bothering you again this morning?"

*Before Luke can even reply Angel is working the muscles in his legs with her hands trying to losen them up and help the blood flow.*

"We can have our picnic right here if you want. I dont mind. Just open the door all the way for some freshair and sunshine and we are good to go."

*Angel offers a smile to Luke knowing he must be feeling pretty crappy but leting him know it was ok and she wasent upset.*

*Rosetta smiles down at BJ ruffling his hair.*

"Why dont you go get dressed and than meet me over at the house to help me move some stuff. Thats going to become our new house once everything is moved around."

*Now that Cindy and Wes had there house Rosetta was going to turn the old house there were staying in into her, Mick and BJ's new home. She just needed to clean it up and bit and it would be perfect for there small family.

BJ gets and excited look on his face and runs into the room he clamed for now as is. Opening his dresser drawr he pulls out a pare of jeans and a red t-shirt. Within no time flat he is dressed and making his way to the house to find Rosetta.*

*A big grin cross Wendy face and Clint poked his head into the office. She really enjoyed working there. It was alot of fun and she herself was even learning alittle bit about cars. Standing she grabs her sun glasses and smiles.*

"I'm not to sure about the pretty part but I know I am starving."

*Pulling into the driveway Wes get out of his truck. Standing for a moment he just looks at the house and smiles. He always felt warm and fuzzy inside when he came home. He loved the feeling of knowing Cindy was inside waiting for him. Grinning he walks up the pourch and opens the front door steping inside.*

"Hunny I'm home."

*Entering Wes shuts the door behindhim and throws his keys on the small table. Making his way to the dinning room his grin grows as he see Cindy. Going over to her her gives her a long kiss and a hug before siting down.*

"Whatever you made smells sooo good."

*Noticing Cindy dident set a place for herself Wes cocks his head alittle looking at her a bit worryed now.*

"Not eating today?"

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