
Storms and Rainbows

Watching Scott leave Hope lets out a small sigh as she looks down at Scott's file. They hadnt gotten far but it was farther than where she normaly got on the first session. Quickly Hope jots a not down on Scott's file.

Hope looms in the air. What is normal?

Cloing the file Hope lets out a small sigh and stands to put it away before she leaves for the night.

Waiting to make sure Scott was inside before Katie pulled away she finally heads for home. She was more tired than she would like to admit but it had been a pleasure to take him. She could only continue to hope that he would be ok in time. She missed her friend and she hated seeing him so sad.
Goodnight J! I am heading to bed early. Sleep well!

Wrapping her arms around Luke in a tight hug feeling his own arms around her Angel burrys her face into his shoulder.

"I'm going to miss you alot too."

Letting the hug linger Angel takes in Luke's smell and his feel. How she really was going to miss him. It had been a long time now since they had been apart and the though was a bit scary.

Finally drawing away Angel smiles and gives Luke a quick kiss before turning again to get her bag.

"Ok, I guess I am as ready as I ever will be. I'll make sure to call you when I get there."

Giving a small smile Angel turns to make her way out of the house. She new everyone had her number if they needed her but for some reason a feeling of meloncoly loomed almost like she wouldnt see home for a long time again.

And so Night once again turns as many minds are one many differnt things. The new day would hope new avents that to some might be a little scary and to others was the norm, but non the less the time came and the run rised telling everyone to wake for the day.

As the morning comes its another day at TJY and many work as normal. Nate sifts through a tone of files that had been piled on him letting out a long sigh. He hated the paper work, he was ment to be out, on cases not sitting behind his desk signing them.

A suddon comotion catches his attachen as he looks up from his paper work for a moment seeing Jason pass. Giving a small returning salute he cant help but smile at his friends air a small snicker escaping.

"You do what we all want to Hotshot."

Giving another shake Nate looks back down at his papers. Maybe today was going to be intresting after all.

Hearing Jason's voice Katie looks up from her desk. For a moment she is saprised by the way Jason was dressed and acting and a suddon panic rushes over her. Jason's feeling had been blocked off all morning and now this. Was everything that was going on causing Jason to go back to his old ways.

As Jason draws closer and lets his walls down a smile forms on Katie face.

You had me worryed there for a moment.

Finally relizing what Jason was doing Katie cant help the small laugh, but as Austin's harsh tone is hurd Katie almost gives a jump. Though the look on her face is replace with another smile as Jason stands up to his grandfather.

As the rose is presented to Katie again her smile grows. She wasnt sure what she was taking please in more. Jason and Austin or the fact that she got to see Jason at work again. Standing at one point in the conversation Katie gently but fermly take a hold of Jason's shirt and pulls him slightly twords her. Pressing her lips to his she lets the kiss linger for a long moment before finally breaking it and than looking Austin in the eyes almost as if making her own statment.

Lunch sounds great J. You did good, you did good.

Once again the bell to the shop rings as Jess enters the gradge. Glancing around she see Axel disapear into the waiting room. Giving a small way to Leo she reasures.

"Dont worry nothing wrong with the car today. I think all the problems are fixed."

Giving a laugh she heads to the waiting room door and opens it slightly stepping inside. For a long moment Jess just stands there looking at Axel taking now to him rubbing his hands once again. Finally speaking in a soft tone Jess smiles.

"As the storm went hunting for the rainbow it wished to see, only to find it hidding for non to see."

Still smiling Jess holds out her hand to Axel as she gently slips hers into his once again and hently starts to rub. Thought this was only the second time Jess couldnt help but feel like this was now normal. To help Axel's hands feel better though she could still feel the color forming in her own cheeks.

"I thought maybe the rainbow would like some lunch today, that is if it wants to still."

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