
All gone?

Thinking he was alone, Jess' voice startles Axel and he looks up quickly. His eyes lock with hers for a moment, though he doesn't say anything...just analyzing her words.

As she approaches, he almost backs up when she takes his hand in hers. But for some reason, he doesn't. Not from her.

His own hand was still shaking slightly, and her gentle pressure at first felt like needles. He cringes a little, but he doesn't withdraw. His eyes lower, his shoulders dropping slightly.

"A rainbow only hides when it's at its weakest," he responds quietly.

After several moments, Axel realizes that the spasm has stopped, and slowly the numbness was dispersing. Keeping his gaze downward, his fingers tighten around Jess', stopping her from continuing, and his thumb runs through her palm.

"You're going to get grease on your hands," he almost whispers. Taking the rag from his back pocket, he gently wipes off her fingers, then slowly lets them go. He needn't thank her verbally... he knew she would know his gratefulness for her subtle gesture of kindness.

Stuffing the rag back into his pocket, he clears his throat and looks up to see Jess' eyes again. A faint grin forms. "I told Leo it was going to rain. Looks like I was right." Moving to the side, he rummages on the desk for a moment before punching his time card and regaining composure. "I'd love to join you for lunch," he replies. "But this time you decide where we're headed."

"Mmm...." Jason's eyes spark as he looks down at Katie.

So did you.

His emotions are sly and teasing after her kiss. Reaching out, he brushes her cheek with the back of his hand.

See you later. I better get something done or else I'll be pushing my luck.

He tosses Katie a wink and turns to stride back down towards his office. The anger and frustrations were still boiling underneath the surface, but for now, he was under control. Feeling a bit weak though, he passes by his office and aims for the infirmary instead.

Poking his head in, he spies Scott and gives him a little wave before entering and approaching Misty. "Morning," he greets, leaning against the side of her desk and folding his arms. "You uh... wouldn't happen to have a few of those sugar pills on hand, would you?" He grimaces. "I gotta let off some steam, but until I can..."

Scott glances up as Jason comes in, and gives him a little wave. The night hadn't been great... he was tired this morning, weary from another battle with the nightmares. But this morning he wasn't going to sit here and be bored like he had been. No... there was just one thing that he had to focus on now, and it was all he could do to stay focused on it. But he would.

Finished tying his shoes, he walks slowly out of the infirmary, his pulse starting to quicken. There were a lot of people here this morning... he'd already heard Austin's loud voice. He didn't want any run-ins... he didn't want any confrontations. He just wanted to see Sapphire.

Shuffling along down the hall, one hand runs along the wall, his stability on the walk. Passing by Dalton's office, his fingers hit the door, and he looks up at the nameplates again. Maybe he had two things to focus on.

Continuing his route, he gets to the main floor that was busy with activity. Stuffing his hands in his pockets and keeping his eyes lowered, he walks quickly so as not to be stopped by anyone until he gets to Sapphire's cubicle.

Stopping and looking over the wall, he tries to smile for her, though it's weak. "Morning..." He pauses, trying to collect his thoughts. "I... I kinda had a question for you..." He stops again, unsure how to ask. It wasn't usual that he went out of his way to talk to his sister, even if he did need something. "I... did any of my.... I mean.... my cameras.... are they all gone?"

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