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As Rocky lifts Jess up she leans her head against him just letting herself be washed with the comfort her so longed to feel. Rocky had promised she would be ok and Jess believed him, he said he would protect her and she new he ment it.

Feeling Rick get into bed and his arms around Her Janet gives a smile bringing her own hands to Rick's arms. She hadnt seem him much lately due to the busyness of TJY and she understood but now it was nice to have him home and feel him next to her.

Hearing the phone give Janet a groan of her own as she rolls onto her back. But knowing it couldnt be helped Janet wouldnt complain. Receving Rick's kiss Janet just stairs up at him for a moment give a smile.

"Dont worry, I'll be here when you return."

And she would be always. She loved Rick to much not to be.

Looking up from the micrascope with tired eyes Misty looks at the door where Reese had come in with Jess and Rocky. Consern flashs on her face placing her pen down and walking over slowly.

"What happend?"

Not sure she remembered who Jess was but didnt understand what could of happend now knowing Peter had been put behind bars. Slowly she points Rocky to the exta table where he could put Jess so she could look over her bumps, and bruses.

Kaite looks between Ryder and than Carson still a bit confused. She didnt know what was said but it was obves that Ryde felt strong about what he said and if Katie had learned anything it was that he did know what he was talking about.

"Maybe we should just trust him and wait another day? We dont always need a reason right? Better to be safe than sorry."

Looking up at Carson Katie just waits. Whatever the desition was she would go with it but she did think it was better to have everyone on the same page than to just have someone at odds.

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