
It's ok

*Katie lets out a long sigh as they get to the mall. Getting out of the car she can tell Jason is tense. Katie bends down next to the car talking to Jason through the the window.* "We can turn around if you want J. We dont have to do this if you dont feel like it." *Katie looks around the parking lot. Something dident feel right.*

*Rosetta looks at Mick and winks.* "Ok...how about the horses master come running too. Might do him some good." *Rosetta laughs.*

*After lunch Damien takes a walk outside. Seeing the new comer he walks over to her.* "Hi, I just wanted to introduce myself. I'm Damien. You will probley see alot of me. I do alot of work around here." *Damien studys the girls face. He knows, he has seen a face like hers before and that red hair. Damien couldent put his finger on it.*

*The girl turns and looks at Damien. For a moment she glairs but than puts a sweet smile on her face.* "Hi! I'm Sam. Nice to meet you."

*Damien smiles and shakes the Sam's hand.* " Would you like me to show you around?"

*Sam looks at Damien than looks away at her cell phone. She seems distracted and nervouse.* "No thats ok. I'm not going to be here long anyways."

*Damien shrugs. Something still tugging on his mind. Something wasent right.*

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