
*As Damien looks around the room a new knot forming in his tummy as all eyes are now on him. Clearing his throt and starts to fill everyone in.* "...The stange part was this girl Sam, I believe is you sister Mick. She looks just like you spiting immage. When she first got there i couldent put my finger on it, but than I new. She seemed to know who I was as well. Something about a chip. But I have no idea what that means at all." *Looking around the room again he can feel the doubt in everyones eyes.* "I wont try and pretent I dident try and hurt you in the bast. I did and I payed my time. I know that dosent even make up for half of what I did. But I've changed. I've found God and he has forgiven me. Now I only ask you to trust what I have told you."

*The others look around to eachother not sure what to think or say.*

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