

Carson lets a dry chuckle escape as they slowly walk down the sidewalk. “The more she said, the more he pondered, the more he pondered, the more perplexed he became, and the more perplexed he became, the more she said. And thus went the battle that threatened no end.”

He gives Misty a sidelong glance and shakes his head. “You’re…” He’s cut off as a dark unmarked van suddenly comes flying down the street, jumping the curb and screeching to a halt in front of him and Misty.

Carson instinctively braces himself, shoving Misty behind him to stand between her and the van.

Before they can think, two armed, masked men are out of the van, pointing their guns at them. “Don’t make a scene,” the tall one warms.

Carson stiffens, his eyes searching these men to identify them, but he remains silent, holding Misty’s wrist to keep her back.

The shorter man steps forward, grabbing Carson by the arm. “You’re coming with us,” he orders gruffly.

Carson resists just a little. “Hey, keep your hands off me,” he growls.

One of the handguns is cocked and aimed at Misty. “Quit stalling and get in the van, Carson or the girl dies.”

Carson grits his teeth. “She stays out of this.”

“Just do what we say and she will,” the tall man sneers. “In the van or she gets a bullet to the head.”

“Save your threats for the weak ones, mate,” Carson hisses. He glances over his shoulder at Misty, his eyes full of too many thoughts or emotions to decipher. There is fear, there is confidence, there is guilt, there is pride, there is pain, there is boldness…contradicting emotions built up behind a single stare.

There couldn’t be any doubt. These men reeked of the Agency.

“Don’t fight it,” Carson warns her sternly and lets go of her wrist. “I told you there were consequences to getting involved with someone like me. Don’t let it go any further.”

As he’s prodded in the arm with the barrel of the gun, he finally steps away from Misty, getting into the back of the van. He doesn’t look back.
The doors are slammed shut, and the two men jump back and burn rubber as they speed away, leaving Misty alone.

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