
*As the van stop in front of them and the men get out Misty holds her head up high no fear showing. Even when the gun was pointed in her face. Her eyes try to relay messages with Carson as her head shakes. No this couldent be happing. No, Carson they cant take you they'll kill you. As the Van starts to speed off Misty knows its now or never. If that van turned to courner they would be lost and there would be no finding them. Her car was to far off there was no time. As fast and instincly as she could Misty tears the bottom of her shirt off and wraps her fist sending it through a the window of a nearby car. Not paying attacken to the car syrin going off. Once having the door open Misty hops in kicking the underneath the stearing wheel pulling some wires out and jumping the car. As the moter rawrs Misty screeches the tires following the Van. Pullng out her phone she dials Jason's number. Not even bothering to wait for him to say Hello or explain.*

"JASON....Its Misty. Some guys kidnapped Carson in a van. I am going after them. I'll be fine."

*Misty hangs up the phone before a protest can be hurd and continues to follow the Van close enough to know where they are going but far enough away for them not to relize she was there.*

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