

*Misty into the jeep and gives Drew a sidelong glance her sassy look still on her face her hard cold dark eyes still shinning.*

"Hey more time with you Drew thats always a pluse."

*Misty turns to look at the thug in the back seat with the gun.*

"And you can stop pointing that at me ya know. It not nice to point your gun at a lady. I'm not going anywhere."

*Misty turns back around growing silent for a moment.*

"You said there were two cops poking around? Things just keep geting intrestinger and intrestinger I'll tell ya that. Its actully kind of exciting I came back when I did. I always liked alittle bit of action."

*Nate looks up at Jason questions linger on his face. Why wasent Jason more upset than this. There was something he wasent telling him.*

"What would you want me to do Jason? I have to do someting before my mind goes crazy. What is it you know that I dont?"

*Nate stands and looks Jason in the eyes challanging him to know what he does. In Nate's eyes there is a bit of fear. For Misty, for Carson...what was going to happen.*

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