

"Well is he going to call?"

"I don't know!"

"Do you want him to call?"

"I don't know, maybe I do."

"Did you at least say goodbye to him?"

"I left him a note, a ring to remember me, and our meds Aunt Rosetta."

"A Note? So you didn't talk to him? Not even before your emotions where gone?"

"No Aunt Rosetta I didn't, he didn't talk to me eather so I figured he just wanted to be left alone. After what he said in Rick's office I am sure he really didn't want to talk to me."

Katie said at the little island in the dinning hall looking over to Rosetta who was making the morning breakfast before anyone was even up yet.

After feeling her own stomach revolt on her Katie had wondered this way knowing her Aunt would be here and seeing if any coffee was ready. The conversation just took off from there as they talked about what was going on in life and Katie tryed to explain why she wanted to come out here.

Most of it her Aunt understood about needing time away, and the whole Agency bit the only part she really couldn't get over was the whole Jason thing.

Rosetta turns from putting a sandwich into one of the bags and looks at Katie for a long moment. She felt bad for her young niece, the pain was evident in her eyes and it ripped Rosetta apart inside to see her like this. She'd been there even if in a way it was different with Mick. In and out, up and down... It had always been a never ending circle till finally they were married.

"So are you guys breaking up?"

"I didn't say we were, so I don't think so."

"Do you want to break up with him?"

Katie shoots her head up to look at Rosetta surprised she would even say that to her.

"What kind of question is that?"

"I think its a pretty good one. Do you?"

Katie gives her head a little shake.

"No, I don't want to. I love Jason, why else would I have kept asking him to marry me?"

"Hurt when he said no huh?"

"It felt like I was being ripped apart. After everything with the Agency Jason was my stability ya know. Take that away, and I came crashing down."

"So why dont you call him and tell him that?"

"I cant, I cant depends on him all the time. Its not fair to him, and even if what he said in Rick's office hurt he had a point. I need to find my own stability now and let Jason be normal. He deserves it you know, after everything. Even if I hate being disconnected from him, he deserves it and I did it for him. I'd do anything for him."

Turning back to the bag lunch again Rosetta gives a small nod. She understood to an existent where Katie was coming from and she had to say she was proud of her niece.

At one point in time Katie had always only through about herself. Everyone else around her had to conform to who she was, but Jason had changed that in her. Now she was thinking about him and what he wanted, but now Katie needed to find the middle where she could think about herself, and Jason. Not just one or the other.

"So, your not going to call him?"

"No, I'm not. He'll call me when he is ready. I don't want to chase, bother, or stress him out anymore."

About to say more Rosetta falls silent as the door opens and a few people enter the dinning hall for the morning breakfast. Dan was the last one to enter passing Katie and entering the kitchen behind Rosetta. Taking off his stetson and holding it buy the brim he throws a smile to Rosetta.

"Mick just wanted me to remind you that we needed the two lunches for this afternoon."

Looking up at Dan Rosetta quirks an eyebrow. Before looking into the dinning hall at Mick and than back at Dan. Her voice becoming stern.

"What you think I cant remember things?"

"Well...Mick says you are getting up there in age."

Rosetta's mouth hangs open as she turns to slap Dan's arm.

Quickly moving out of the way Dan miss the swat to the arm and leans down to toss a comment to Mick.

"Hey your right she is...."

Dan's words trail off as he comes face to face with Katie's green eyes. All he cant do is stair for a long moment as he can feel the heart in his chest start to race.

Watching the blond hair boy enter the kitchen Katie says nothing and trys her best to hold in her laugh at Rosetta's age. Continuing to watch the display Katie was sure the boy would go into into the dinning room but instead he leans down and she comes face to face with his blue eyes.

Not knowing what to say Katie just continues to look into his eyes and than she gives a small wave.

Hearing the silence she glances over her shoulder to see Dan starring at Katie. Giving a shake of her head Rosetta grins.

"Dan, this is my niece Katie. Katie this is one of our new ranch hand Dan."

Still not seeing Dan movie Rosetta turns around again and gives him a little shover towards the door.

"Go tell Mick he can pick up the lunches after breakfast please."

Stumbling a little Dan makes his way towards the door but doesn't take his eyes off Katie.

"Yeah, ok I'll let him know."

Going back into the dinning hall Dan sits down next to Mick as he is still watching Katie, but than turns his attachen to Mick.

"Rosetta said the lunches will be able to pick up after breakfast."

Though his attachen was back on Mick, Dan couldn't help but steal a glance of Katie every now and than.

Getting Scott's return call Hope gives a smile. She was happy to hear from Scott. Gathering a few things together that she would need to bring with her to court she listens to Scott.

"I can pick you up. Really I don't have any problem with that at all. I figured we could grab something to eat at Ihop and than I can drop you off where ever you would like to go."

Hope could tell something was different in Scott's voice but for now she wouldn't say anything. It could be the simple fact that Scott's first day back to work so it could be that all mixed into one.

"I can pick you up in... fifteen minutes?"

Giving her head a little shake Bree holds up her spoon that had whip-cream, and some chocolate on it.

"I am busy at the moment see. Anyways if I was to bring you in I'd have to bring myself in as well."

Bree looks down at her book taking another bit before looking up again her eyes twinkling.

"..I was the one sitting behind you so, doesn't that mean I was stalking you?"

Leaning back in her chair Bree gives a little stretch before calling over the waitress.

"There is to much cream in my whip. Can you take it back and bring me some new kind please? I'll even pay the extra."

Looking to Gunner Bree throws him a wink as the corners of her mouth twitch.

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