

Gunner lifts an eyebrow at the new information regarding Bree's relation to JT. Interesting.

His fingers move on his keyboard, typing a side note before continuing his research. "Your uncle has helped a lot of people," he comments, not bothering to tell her how he'd found out where she worked.

He takes another sip of his float, swishing the ice cream around in his mouth. "He's partly to blame for the trouble I have with metal detectors."

Reading a few more minutes, his phone buzzes on his belt for the second time that morning. Sighing, he looks at the number. The office. He closes out the files and shuts his laptop, chugging down the rest of his soda and ice cream.

Wincing as he's hit with a brain freeze, he waves to Bree on his way to the door. "Don't cause too much trouble. I might have to arrest you sometime."

The restaurant was quiet this morning. Scott was glad. He preferred it this way anyway.

Sitting across from Hope, he works on his small breakfast of eggs and toast, but only manages about half before he slides his plate to the edge of the table to be picked up.

The meal had been fairly quiet. Scott felt more at ease with Hope than he did a lot of people. Today was full of stress though. Stress of her upcoming hearing. Stress of Scott's own day he really didn't want to face. And in a way, stress of where they were both going after this.

"Hope..." Scott glances up at her, searching her eyes for a moment. Slowly, he slides a hand across the table to take hers, running his thumb along her fingers. "I... I know that well... we've gotten closer and... maybe been more than friends." His face reddens just a little. Had those few times of emotions just been the heat of the moment? Or was there more?

"I was wondering if... well I don't know." He shrugs lamely, shaking his head at himself with a little laugh. "I guess I'm trying to figure out if it's more than maybe." His gaze searches hers, a look in his eye that betrayed him. It was a look of longing... of wanting to finally end his loneliness... of wanting something more... of knowing there was more out there he had yet to find.

"I don't know." Mick finishes his coffee and stands up from the table. "Change is in the wind, Dan. That's all I know."

He pats the younger man on the shoulder. "You ready to head out?"

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