

"Uh-huh." Mick smirks at Dan. "You think I didn't hear what you said in there." He gives the younger man a knowing look, though amusement is behind his gaze. "You better watch it."

Seeing that Dan was paying little attention, and more attention to Katie across the way, Mick waves a hand in front of his face. "Earth to Dan. Haven't you ever seen a pretty girl before?"

"Um..." Scott leans over so he can see himself in a mirror. "Make that twenty and you got a deal." Grinning a little, he finishes up his conversation before ending the call. Giving some attention to Domino, he heads to the bathroom to clean up then find some clean clothes.

In barely twenty minutes, he's sitting on his front porch, enjoying the warm breeze. Cargo jeans and a t-shirt had been just about all he could find clean today, so he'd thrown them on along with a pair of work boots he'd gotten recently.

Leaning his head against the porch railing, Scott waits, his mind drifting a little. He didn't know why yesterday had bothered him like it had. Would it be a daily struggle from now on, or would he be able to get used to it?

"New stalker policy," Gunner quips. "We walk in front now instead of the back."

Seeing Bree's antics with the waitress, he can't help his light chuckle, and he shakes his head.

The waitress stares at Bree with wide eyes. "Too much... cream?" She steps closer to the table and looks closer at the whipped cream. "I... wha..."

Gunner looks at the waitress seriously. "Something wrong?"

"Well I..." Her face gets red.

Gunner blinks. "Well go on. The lady asked for whipped cream without so much cream in it. Can't you handle that?"

"I.... ok..." The waitress turns and heads to the kitchen, planning to bring back who knows what.

Gunner stifles a laugh. "Between you and me, miss Bree, we're going to have this entire staff in the nut house by the end of the week."

Turning back around in his seat, he starts to type, talking over his shoulder. "When she brings it back, tell her now it's got too much whip in it."

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