

As Misty pulls up to the curb in front of the apartment building, he pauses just a moment before getting out. He turns his head to her, a wry grin on his lips. He’d had fun tonight…really had fun. It was different than what he would have called “fun” before…it was clean, innocent…enjoyable.

“Thanks, Misty.” He reaches over to give her chin a playful tweak. “See you tomorrow.” Before he gets caught up staying in the car with her, he makes his exit, banging the hood with his palm. “Drive safe,” he calls over his shoulder, giving a short wave as he walks to the door.

…Carson yawns and stretches his hands above his head as he swaggers down the sidewalk, taking his time walking to TJY. The morning had a cool edge to it, but the rising sun foretold of a warm day. He was in fair spirits…he’d slept better last night than he had in a long time. Maybe there really was something to living this way after all.

Laura gives Katie and encouraging smile, though she knows she will continue to worry about her friend anyway. She sits for a long while by herself, then finally goes into the house too. She sinks down on the couch with her cordless phone and dials. It’s late, but she knew her brother would still be up.

…”Katie?” Laura taps softly on Katie’s bedroom door, glancing at her watch. She’d been up a while already and was ready to head to TJY anytime. But she didn’t want to just leave without saying anything. “Are you gonna stay here this morning, or do you want to come in to work?”

Jason raises his eyebrows at the sound of the man’s voice. A fellow prisoner saying something nice? That was a new one. He glances toward the front bars, but knows even if he went to them, he wouldn’t be able to see around the corner to see who was talking to him. The concrete barrier between cells prevented any interaction. He opens his mouth to respond, but can’t even think of what he’d want to say, so he remains silent. Finally, sleep catches up with him again, though vivid and frightening dreams prevent rest.

…Jason hunches over his breakfast tray, ignoring the movement and noise around him. It was crowded, it was hot, it was just a little bit scary. Jason had been undercover with rough crowds before, but this was something totally different. He’d already been picked on by several of the other guys this morning, and had tried to ignore it, though had ended up with only half his meal to keep him until lunch time. He could only wonder if he was just receiving a taste of what would be from here on out. He didn’t dare defend himself…around here, that could mean his life.

Con straddles the rooftop, his work boots firmly planted on the new boards. The hammer pounding nails echoes across the small farmyard, sweat mingling with each swing.

Nails are driven into the plywood to hold it to he recently erected beams, preparing for tar paper and metal roofing to come.

Con takes another nail and aims with precision. His back and arms are tanned from days working in the sun, his face darker from hours spent outside, despite his baseball cap’s brim.

His mind drifts back and forth from his work, to the call he’d received from Laura last night. He had been shocked to learn of Jason’s conviction, and tempted to return home, though his sister had reminded him that right now, there was nothing he could do. Perhaps staying at the farm a bit longer would be best anyway.

“Hey Con?”

He pauses his work to look down at his aunt. “Yeah?”

“You want me to wash this for you?” She holds up the sweaty shirt he had shed earlier. “I brought you a clean one.”

Con grins. “You take care of me too well, you know that?”

Paula chuckles. “Is that a yes?”

“Sure, go ahead.”

“I got a thermos of lemonade down here too, whenever you need it.”

“Thanks, Paula.”

She smiles up at him before she starts to leave. “It’s the least I can do with all the work you’ve been doing around here.”

“Eh, well, the time out for my spirit and brain have been more than ample payment. But you’re welcome anyway. We’ll get this roof finished yet.”

“Are you bothering the help?” Dan teasingly chides his wife, walking up behind her and putting an arm around her waist.

Paula smirks at him. “The help has been up there for two hours without you. Looks to me like you need to get up there and assist the poor boy.”

Dan laughs. “I’d hardly call Con a boy, but you’re right.” He gives Paula a kiss on the forehead, then moves toward the ladder, donning his gloves. “On my way up, Con.”

Con grins down at Paula and gives a little wave. “Thanks for the help.”

“Anytime, Con.” Paula laughs. “Anytime.”

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