

*As Misty is pulled onto Carson's lap she grin looking into his eyes.*

"If we dident take advantage of these circumstances we would both be fools."

*As Carson comes close the his smell fills Misty's nose. From what she new he dident wair calone but she still had his own smell and it was sweet. Misty brings her arms around Carson whispering.*

"I wouldent mind finding out myself eather."

*Misty kiss Carson back with a bit of force. Misty brings her one arm to the back of Carson's head and onlys it here. Gently moving her fingers to run through his hair without moving her hand. After a long moment Misty pulls away and smiles as in the background fireworks go off signaling the night coming to an end. The green, blue, red and yellow lights reflect off Carson's blue eyes catching Misty in there gaze. Leaning in again Misty press her lips to Carsons. Keeping her arms wraped around him to keep him close. Not even relizing the ferriswheel started up again bring them down to earth.

The ride attadent clears his throts at he see Misty and Carson.

Misty pulls away from Carson and looks at the attendent. Her sassy smile pasted on her face again she takes Carson by the hand and heads off the ride.

The attendent rolls his eyes at them.*


*Misty and Carson make there way to the car Misty cant help but laugh along with Carson. This was one of the best nights of her life. She hadent had so much fun in a long time. With in no time Misty and Carson are on there way back to Carson's place to drop him off for the night.*

*Katie just sits in silence for a while with Laura leting her mind wonder. Finally geting up and heads back to the door than stops and turns. Lacking life in her voice and her eye void she says.*

"I'll be ok Laura, you dont need to worry about me."

*Going back inside Katie shuts the door and heads to her room where Henry is curled on her bed. Crawling up along next to him Katie rests her head on her pillow and falls fast asleep.*

*A low shifting noise can be hurd in the cell next to Jason the sound of someone moving in bed and than siting up. Slowly a form walks to the bar as if wanted to be hurd but not to loud as to make the guards come.*

"Well Jason is seems like you have a might fine woman out there. Your luck you have someone to lift your spirits. We arnt all that lucky."

*The figure moves away from the bars again as more sifting noises can be hurd. The figure siting back down on his bed. All goes silent.*

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