
My message

*Misty giggles as she walks to the line with Carson.*

" Just dont get sick on me if you have to and I wont push you out. And I cirtinly would not push you out for kissing me. I like them to much."

*As Misty and Carson get on the ride is slowly starts and Mistys hand finds Carson's. She dident have to say anything she was happy and Content. As the feriswheel starts to move Misty lets out a sigh and leans her head on Carson's shoulder. Once they get up closer to the top the fariswheel stops and Misty lifts her head look out across the town. It was dark now and all the lights on the houses, streets were lit.*

"Wow look Carson, the view is great up here."

*MIsty gets a sly sassy grin on her face.*

"And its quiet, we are alone, no intaruptions from Rick."

*Misty scoots closer.*

*As Jason's voice comes on the raido Katie sits up fast from her bed not sure what was going on. She had hurd Laura come in, and than leave again but why was the raido on? Going to the door Katie opens it a crap and pokes her head out alittle seeing Henry siting on the floor. As Katie listens to Jason's sweet voice tears form in her eyes again. Jason's words spoke to Katie's heart. Pulling on her strings and hiting her hard. She had to try and stay strong for Jason. In a sence her had return what she has said to him in the court room. Katie wished she could send a message back to Jason saying thank you, but she dident know how. A Lightbulb goes off in Katie's head. She dident know if it would work or if Jason would hear but it was worth a shot. Katie shuts her door and grabs her phone. In a low quiet voice that show her sadness she speaks into the phone."

"Kayla I wanted to say I liked the song Jetstreams rocks. I also had a message for Jason where ever he is....."

{Jason, Thank you. I'll be here...'waiting'..here. I'll be waiting...for you. So...if you come here...You'll find me. I promise. I love you Jason no matter what happens that wont change.}

*Katie sucks a deep breath in and trys to stuff her tears and emotions away. Her body was exsausted and her tummy hungry but she was still far to upset to do eather. Steping out of the bedroom again Katie heads outside. Looking to the left she see Laura on the swing. Not saying anything she sits down next to her leaning back leting the soft breeze wash over her face Waiting to see if her message would be played or not.*

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