

*Misty cant help but laugh as Carson starts to shoot. Afterwords She hugs the bear tight. Losing the grib Misty draws close to Carson and leans her forhead on his chest, than drawing away she looks up at Carson deep in the eyes and than looks down at the bear again giving a sassy little smile.*

"Now you listen Mr. Bear, you hurd what Carson said. I cant give you more attention than him so dont go trying to get is all the time."

*Misty stops like she is listing to something brings the bear to her ear.*

"You dont say, you really think thats the look on his face?"

*Misty cant help but increse her grin.*

"Ok, if you think so."

* Misty draws closer to Carson again standing on tip toes she leans her forhead aganst Carson's.*

"Mr. Bear said you looked like you could use another kiss."

*Misty's lips touch Carsons for a moment than than she draws her head back looking Carson deep in the eyes once again, leting a bit of softness show though.*

"Carson Banks, this is the best date ever. Thank you."

*Misty cheeks turn a bit red something they hardly ever did. After making herself feel silly Misty draws away and spots a ferriswheel and nods to it.*

"Wanna ride that? I bet we can see all the way across town from up there. I think it would be fun."

*As Katie starts down the road her mind runs away from her. The night air felt good but still think. Katie couldent help but feel sick again. Wyatt was only trying to help her, be there for her and she just made him feel like total crap. Katie anger builds inside of her along with everything alse that was already there. She felt like she was going to explode. Being only a few steps from Katie comes to a hult and turns around stalking back to the house. She was so angry with herself, with Wyatt, with Reese, Katie was angrey at the world. Why would God take the one bit of happyness from her life. Katie dident understand. Running back up the steps Katie opens the house door than slams it with such force it shakes vilently. Going into her room she does the same thing only looks this door behind her. Siting down on her bed Katie pulls out her cell phone and dials Jason's number though knowing he wont answer. After leting it ring Katie hangs up than trys again. Finally after about the 5th time Katie stops and leans her head down on her pillow her tears come to her eyes again, her body exsausted. *

*Nate nods to Laura understanding.*

"Ok no problem. That poor girl. She's been through alot."

*Nate can see the worry in Laura's eye.*

"I'm sure she is going to be ok Laura. This is just all a shock for her as it is us all."

*As Herb brings back the ice cream he smiles than heads away seeing the look on everyones faces.*

*Nate starts to eat his ice cream along with helping Maggie as she gets whipcream on her face.*

"We just have to keep praying for Katie that God will comfort her. If you anything tonight no matter the time Laura please call and I will be right over to help."

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