
Local Band

Wyatt is still leaning up against his jeep when Katie stalks back to the house, slamming the door behind her. He lets a sigh out slowly, hurting for his friends.

He couldn’t imagine how Jason must be feeling right now…in prison…without Katie…without friends. And Wyatt was witnessing how it was affecting Katie…it wasn’t good. He could only hope that after a good night’s rest and several days to calm down, that she would be able to bounce back.

Shaking his head and resisting from going back in the house to try at any more comfort, Wyatt get into his jeep to wait for Laura. Katie didn’t want him in the house, but at least he could sit outside to make sure nothing else happened.

Carson accepts Misty’s light kiss, and gives her a smile, his hand coming up to brush her cheek. “Ah…there’s that little girl. I knew she was under there somewhere.”

He follows her gaze to the ferriswheel, quirking an eyebrow, then looking back down at her. “What if I’m afraid of heights?” He takes her shoulders to turn her around, and aims for the ride. “As long as you promise not to push me out if I decide to kiss you, we should be alright, though.” He gives her shoulders a teasing squeeze so she bumps into him, causing them both to stagger towards the line.

Laura looks to Nate with gratefulness…for his encouragement…for his willingness to help. “Thanks, Nate. I appreciate it.”

Changing the tone, they resume some of the gaiety at the table until the ice cream is gone. “Well…” Laura sighs and stands up, taking her purse. “This was fun.”

She smiles at Maggie and gives a little wave. “You take care of your brother, alright? Get him to bed on time.”

Laura gives Nate one last look, her smile softening just a little. “See you tomorrow.”

Leaving the restaurant, she waves to Herb and Mabel, then makes her way to her car.

Arriving home, she parks in the drive, seeing that Wyatt is still in his jeep. She goes to him first, noting his window is open. “Hey, watchdog.”

Wyatt manages a small grin. “Hey. You back for the night?”

“Yeah. How’s Katie?”

“I don’t know. She didn’t want me around anymore so I left the house. She started to go for a walk then came back, storming back inside and I haven’t heard a peep since. I’m hoping she’s asleep.”

Laura frowns a little, concerned for her friend. “Alright. Thanks for sticking around, Wyatt. I probably should have come home sooner.”

“No…” Wyatt shakes his head. “You needed time out. Besides, I didn’t mind… though I hope I didn’t do more harm than good.” He straightens in his seat, turning the key to start the jeep up. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Laura. Call me if you or Katie need something.”

As he pulls away, Laura can’t help a little chuckle. She worked with some pretty nice guys. Who else had two men offering their help no matter what the time, both in the same evening?

Going inside, Laura notes the house is quiet. Walking down the hall, she sees Katie’s door shut, and wants to crack it open to check on her, but finds it locked. She must have been pretty upset, just like Wyatt had said. Hearing nothing though, she hopes it means Katie is resting, and she decides not to try and wake her.

Laura wanders the house for a couple minutes before going back outside to the porch where there’s a swing. Sitting down, she rocks slowly, trying to see some stars, despite the town lights that interfered.

Henry yawns and stretches as he hears Laura return home, and waits for his mistress to come into her bedroom. He sees her stop across the hall, then leave again, and meows a little, confused by the strange happenings this evening.

He waits a few minutes more, then hears the front door again. Hopping down from his perch on the headboard of her bed, he walks across her dresser, going up and over her stereo. His paw hits the power button, turning on the radio. Startled, he quickly jumps off, his hind paw bumping the volume knob, turning it up and scaring him even more. His tail fluffs out and he races from the room and down the hall, ready to pounce on anything that moves.

“…ing for some local talent, and they keep coming out of the woodwork.” The female disc jockey’s voice comes loudly from Laura’s open bedroom. “We’ve got a great song for you tonight, it’s an original by the lead singer and guitarist from our popular local band JetStream. They’ve got a unique style with great blend. If you’ve heard them lately, you know what I’m talking about, and if you haven’t, you’re in for a treat. Don’t forget to call in with your ratings. If you like a band, we’ll play them again, ‘cause this is your station for the great songs you enjoy, played just the way you like it. …This is Kayla on 96.5, and it’s our evening local talent slot...with JetStream.

A slight pause follows, leading into an instrumental intro with drums, bass, keyboard and acoustic guitar. The beat carries a unique flavor, upbeat, but with subtle softness around the edges. Jason’s voice carries the melody.

I traveled along, Down that dusty road.
Didn’t have nothin’, Bore a heavy load.
Then you came along, You opened my eyes.
Took my hand, Disproved all my lies...

Baby don’t leave me,
Don’t leave my side.
I need you here,
Till the day that I die.

Life ain’t pretty,
And that much I know.
But please…
Stay by my side.

It took me a while, For the light to be seen.
I know I hurt you, All the trouble I’ve been.
But you saw me through, You stole my heart.
Now I can’t see. How we could be apart...

Baby don’t leave me,
Don’t leave my side.
I need you here,
Till the day that I die.

Life ain’t pretty,
And that much I know.
But please…
Stay by my side.

Now I’m broken, See the trouble I’m in.
I got down far, Alone I can’t win.
Bein’ here’s tough, And I know that you’re hurtin’,
Didn’t mean no harm, I love you for certain...

Baby don’t leave me,
Don’t leave my side.
I need you here,
Till the day that I die.

Life ain’t pretty,
And that much I know.
But please…
Stay by my side.

Mmm…stay by my side.

The music fades slowly away, finally coming to an end. "Oh, I think that singer just stole my heart." Kayla laughs. "What a great song. That's 'Stay by My Side' from local band, JetStream, and I've got a feeling we'll be hearing more from them. Let us know what you think. We're playing songs for you." The radio station's jingle plays before another song comes on for their listeners.

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