
A walk

*Misty get a taunting look in her eyes.*

"What a minutes...I though Carson Banks dosent go on dates."

*Throwing Carson a flaming smile and with her free hand elbows him. After a few moments they arrive to the carnival. Misty gets out of the car and just looks around for a long moment. She was in aw. As Carson puts her arm around her shoulder Misty put hers about his wast. Steping through the gate the noises and smells fill Misty trowing her back to a time when she was a kid.*

"I havent been to a carnival since I was little. this sure does bring back memories."

*As Misty walks with Carson she dosent hurry taking in the sights and sounds. Looking at everything before decieding what to do first. Misty points here and there, at the fun houses, the differnt games, pointing out the rides she would like to go on. The lights, the sounds everything was great. As they pass a cotten candy stands Misty starts t o get excited as she pulls Carson over.*

"One please"

*The Man behind the counter takes Misty's money and her her the bag. Steping away Misty takes Carson over to the side to get people out of the way.*

"This is the most heavnly think you ever tasted. Try some you will love it. Its my fav."

*Misty holds out the bag for Carson. She felt like a little kid again and being with Carson made it all the better.*

*Nate cant help but laugh at Laura's invatation. Looking down at his sister he nods. Maggie claps her hands together squeeling.*

"That sounds great."

*As if on que Herb exits the kitchen and makes his way over to the table smiling. Bending down her becomes eye level with Maggie.*

"Did I hear someone say something about ice cream sundays?"

*Maggie nods her head at Herb smiling.

Herb takes out a paper and a pen waiting to write.*

"Well what can I get ya than cutie?"

*Maggie brings a finger to her lips and thinks for a long moment.*

"Strawberry, with hot fudge syrup and lots of whip cream, with a cherry on top please."

*Herb writes everything down and smiles. Standing he ruffles Maggies hair with his hand. Than he turns to Laura.*

"And what can I get you young lady?"

*Katie rubs her eyes. She did just want to be left alone. She dident have having Wyatt there, but right now she dident want anyone there. Exitng the bathroom Katie lets out a long sigh.*

"I never said you were in my hair Wyatt. I just dident want you to have to stay here while you could be doing alot better things."

*Katie makes her way to the front door. Even though Wyatt wasent holding her, or standing close Katie did feel traped. She felt traped in herself. In her emotions. A dark pool of water that was pulling her under. Her breathing felt shallow, like she couldent get enough air. Maybe a walk would help.*

"I'm going for a walk to get some fresh air. If you wanna follow be my guest but I'm not great company right now."

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