
A shoulder

*Misty looks up leting Wyatt know it was ok to enter. Now being back at TJY a sad tired look enters her eyes. Dispite the words she had said to Carson and the choise she left in his hands she did still want to go see him. Misty knows what happend at the bar today was dew to the intoxacation and if Carson had been sober those words he threw at her would never has been spoken. Slowly Misty stands oce again making her way to the door.*

"I want to go see him Wyatt."

*Making her way out of TJY and to the Jeep once again it takes them no time to get to Carson's apartment building. Once parked outside Misty turns to Wyatt.*

"Please wait here. I'll be ok I promise. I just think I need to be alone with him right now."

*Slowly Misty gets out of the jeep and heads inside and up the steps leting herself into Carson's apartment. Seeing him siting on the coutch Misty slowly makes her way over and gently sits down placing her arm around Carson weather he wanted it there or not. For along moment Misty dosent say anything and lets the silence speak for its self till finally it is broken.*

"I'm sorry Ashlyn died Carson. I wish it had turned out differntly for you."

*Misty grows silent again just keeping her arm around Carson as long as he will let her. She wanted to be his shoulder. She just wanted to be there for him.*

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