

*Misty's heart goes out to Carson. The pain he was in was great. Misty culd see it in his eyes and in voice as he talked. Keep her arm around him Misty thinks for a moment before speaking.*

"Well...I guess I came back cuz I...love ya, and I care to much to let you deal with this on your own."

*Hearing about Ashlyn hurt, but Misty knows its the truth weather she wants to believe it or not. Once a heart cared for someone no matter what the reason, or what was behind it, it was hard to let go of it.*

"Shooting someone is a hard thing in itself, let alone someone you care about..."

*Misty leans her head aganst Carson's for a moment as the tears escape from his eyes.*

"...but if you hadent you's be the one dead. I know it dosent make it any easyer."

*Leting out a sigh Misty turns Carson's head twords her looking into his glazed eyes Misty could still see the little boy curled up in a courner scaired, lost and alone. He blamed himself for what happend to her as well. Misty brings her other hands to the side of Carson's showing much emotion in her face.*

"I dont blame you for what happend to me, and you shouldent blame youself eather. To be honnest I am happy it was me. I new enough to keep myself alive untill you guys relized what happend. I had to knowlage to know what to do. If it had been Katie or Jason, they might not be alive cuz they lack the knowlage I know.

I know you were trying to protect me Carson and I thank you for that. I could of been standing anywhere and I could of been shot. It dident matter where you put me, the situation we were in I could of been shot and I new that when i said I was going to help. I new the danger and I dident care cuz I was doing what I thought was right."

*Misty runs her thumb alone Carson's cheek bone as she smiles softly.*

"You certinly dident mess up my life Carson Banks. You made my life better, and gave it meaning. You did anything but mess up my life. As for you not being able to leave good....I dont want you to."

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