
Evening Ends

Domino greets Katie at Scott’s door with enthusiasm, wiggling all over and then running into the living room, soon to come back with her favorite toy to show off. The house smells delicious with aromas wafting from the kitchen.

Scott shakes his head with amusement, and invites Katie into the kitchen where he’s cooking supper. Standing over the stove, the frying pan sizzles with strips of steak and vegetables. “Hope you like fajitas… you can warm up the shells in the microwave if you want.” Scott points to the other end of the counter, but while doing so, his hand hits the cutting board which had extra veggies on it, and they go flying. “Awwww shoot.”

He puts his hands on his hips and looks at the peppers and onions on the floor. “Well…”

Domino comes trotting in to survey the damage, sniffing at an onion, but then backing off, blinking at the strong odor.

Scott gives Katie a sheepish grin. “Alright. So. You’ve just witnessed Scott’s culinary skills at work. Let’s hope I can avoid being such a klutz the rest of the evening.” He gets down on the floor to start cleaning up the mess, keeping an eye on what’s still cooking.

Jason is brought out of a stare as Aerith talk to him. The corner of his mouth upturns. “You seem to know dogs.” He shrugs. “I sort of trained him. He was a mutt I found on the streets. Vet says he’s Mastiff…I say he’s got some Great Dane in him too – not that it matters.”

He polishes off his orange juice. “Anyway, he minded me but no one else, and I ended up keeping him at the office my work’s permission…worked with him for a while, but training him was a cinch. He’s a great watchdog…he can sense danger better than I can, and track down anybody faster than any dog I’ve seen. The only problem is that when other departments have wanted to use him, he’ll get the job done eventually, but no one else can handle him.”

Giving a little sigh, Jason looks at his watch. “I’ve been gone way too long.” He cocks his head at Aerith. “Thanks…for the break.” He knew he still wasn’t being very sociable. He wanted to…he really did…but he was still held back…he was still trapped.

He gives a wave to back in the kitchen. “Thanks, Mabel!” he calls. He looks down at Trooper. “Alright, you ready to go?”

After leaving Mom and Pop’s, Jason goes back to TJY for several more hours, and winds up leaving fairly late after grabbing a simple supper from the breakroom vending machine. Walking home in the dark provided a refreshing break before getting back to the apartment. Not having seen Misty at TJY, he assumes she’s still here with Carson, and enters quietly, not wanting to disturb anyone.

Avoiding turning on the lights, Jason squints in the living room, making out Carson’s lethargic form on the couch. Heading down the hall, he sees the bedroom door open and pauses just a moment, realizing that someone was in Carson’s bed. Assuming it was Misty, he continues to the bathroom then to his own room for the night. He was tired, and would find out how Carson was in the morning.

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