
Shocking Truth

Carson is quiet for several more moments, unsure even what to say. He felt like a miserable idiot. He wasn't even sure he wanted to know what he'd done or said. But some of it he had to know. He needed to know if Misty knew what had driven him that direction. He needed to know if it was just her that knew about his escapade or if everyone did. ...and the blatant truth was that he felt worse than he had the day before. He'd known his actions had been shallow, yet he'd fallen again.

"I...I'm assuming I must have talked a lot..." He inwardly grimaces. He'd been told he could talk up a storm when drunk. "What, um...did I...I mean..." He sighs again. It was stupid to hope anything had been kept a secret. There was no way, and most likely Misty wasn't the only one who knew about this either. "You know everything, don't you..."

Trooper's hair stands on end as the door opens and he stands up, leery of anyone entering his master's office. Taking a moment to sniff in Katie's direction, he appears satisfied, and approaches her slowly to smell her hand.

Jason looks up from his desk, managing to show a weary smile. He shouldn't be surprised Katie had come. "Yeah...I just got to thinking and..." His eyes drift back to his computer screen, his fingers resting on his keyboard. "Guess it got the best of me...sorry." He pauses, unable to concentrate on his typing, but still staring at his screen. "One of these days maybe I'll be straightened out enough not to keep bothering you."

Trent looks up at Wendy, unable to help but return a small smile. "Good morning, Wendy." He shakes his head a little at her invitation. "Oh...I think it's best I let the others gather before I go get some breakfast. I don't like disturbing the peace."

Luke's eyes shift to the ground as Angel comes and lends him a hand, but he doesn't resist. Leaning on her, he's able to make it to the door, but stops for a moment. "Thanks, Angel," he says quietly.

Jim eyes Rosetta as she sits down and gives a weary sigh. "No... I guess everything's not okay." He takes another sip of coffee, contemplating his options. The truth had to come out...if Ty was involved with the court hearing, and involved at TJY, and Mick was already there...the truth was going to end up coming out one way or another. Was it less painful to be told, or for it to be a surprise? Either way seemed like somebody would get hurt.

He didn't even know how to tell Becky though. They'd decided a long time ago what they were going to do, and that they would stick with it, for the protection of their child. It seemed so ironic that despite their efforts, the connections still came back around.

But the bottom line was that the truth needed to come out. And Jim was tired of holding it in. He needed advice...he couldn't do this on his own.

Glancing back up to Rosetta, his eyes reveal his hesitance. There was no way to say this, but bluntly. "Our son didn't die, Rosetta... Becky and I gave Tyler up as a baby. ...Mick just found him, and he's at TJY."

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