
Don't know

Oh, how Carson wished it was as easy as Misty said. He just wasn't used to sharing himself with anyone...it had never been his nature. He'd always just barged on through whatever it was in his way, and if people got hurt in the process, so be it. It was new to have someone else there who he cared about and didn't want to hurt. And she was proud of him...that made him feel all the worse for what he'd just done.

After just lying in silence for several minutes, Carson finally rolls over and out of bed. It takes him a moment to stop a wave of pain and dizziness, and he heads for his dresser. "I didn't want to make it harder on you," he admits as he pulls a clean shirt out, and fishes for a pair of jeans. He still smelled like smoke from the bar, and needed a shower badly, even if he felt as though he could stay in bed all day.

"What was I supposed to say? That I felt terrible for killing Ashlyn? Someone I shouldn't have even cared about in the least?" He stops gathering his clothes, leaning on the dresser with his back to Misty. The feelings were still there, despite his attempt to snuff them out. "I don't even know why it got to me...it just...it shouldn't have. And then you got hurt, and it was like, great, so no matter what I do, I screw it all up, so to heck with it. I can't even get a handle on why I'm feeling what I'm feeling, so why try at anything else? I didn't want you to have to worry about anything else, and I certainly didn't want you thinking I was pining over Ashlyn, 'cause I wasn't, I was just...I was...I don't even know what I was...or am...or..."

Stopping, Carson lets out a groan, rubbing his forehead. Now he was rambling. Could he not just shut up when he needed to? "I'm just...I'm sorry, Misty..." His voice grows softer, though he doesn't turn around. "I guess I just fell down and couldn't get back up."

Jason finally looks over to Katie as she speaks. It felts so familiar, yet so strange to be having this conversation with her. Even now, when he'd wake in the morning, he half expected to wake up in his prison cell. It was hard getting used to being back again.

Listening, he grows a little more quiet. As Katie gets up and starts to leave, he stops her. "Katie...thank you." His eyes search hers as he tries to convey his current emotions without bombarding her. "I know...I know this is really awkward for both of us, and we might as well admit it. Maybe things were just meant to be this way, I don't know, but..." His words stick in is throat as he tries to force them out. "But I'm okay with just being friends, as long as we still do have that. And...I'm glad for you making me open up again...I know I haven't made it easy on you."

Giving a short decisive nod that he's said all he can, he turns back to his computer.

Trent stares after Wendy for a moment, shaking his head. Finally he rises and makes a fast pace to catch up to her. "You're just like your mother, you know that?" He looks down at her as they walk. "Don't ever change that."

"I don't know." Jim looks back down at the table. "I don't know what we're going to do. Mick says it sounds like a coincidence that Tyler ended up working at TJY and he's clueless about everything. He knows he was adopted, but that's it. I guess Mick almost spilled the beans a bit ago, but stopped himself. I...I don't even know where to start. I need to tell Becky, but I'll wait until she gets here...and then...we're going to have to tell Clint and Rosalynn, and as rocky as things have been between me and Clint....I just don't know how he's going to take this."

He leans back in his chair, heaving a weary sigh. "I just plain don't know what to do, Rosetta. Maybe Becky and I were wrong in the first place, but at the time, we thought it best...we didn't ever dream it would come back around like this. I mean...I'm thrilled to death that I'll get to see Tyler again, and I know Becky will be to, it's just....I don't know..."

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