

*Misty gives alittle nod.*

"I do, as does Wyatt, Katie and Jason knows alittle too but they dont know everything. They helped me get you back here cuz there was no way I could do it alone."

*Misty thinks for a moment about how she wanted to word everything. She wanted be mad at Carson, she wanted to slap him, she wanted to be so angry. But feeling is arms around her she couldent be.*

" Ya know Carson, your a retard and that head ack you have I should be happy you have it. If your feeling sick to your stomach rigth now I should be happy, but I'm not. I cant be mad at you no matter how much I want to be."

*Misty lets out another sigh drawing quiet for a long moment before speaking again. Giving Carson's arm a slam as she rethinks everything in her head and than rests her arm across him again.*

"I just wish you had come to me sooner Carson and let me know what was wrong. Like when I asked you. No matter what condition I am in I dont want you to not tell me something that I can help you with. or if you cant come to me, go to someone alse. One of the other friends at TJY. They care about you, you know and so do I. Everytime you have a problem you cant run away. You cant do everything alone and on your own. You need help sometimes and you have people who offer that help to you. Stop turning them away. If I have to beat that into your head I will. You've come along way Carson from when we first met and I am so proud of you. Now let me be here when you need help. No matter what it is."

*Katie pats Troopers head as she slips into Jason's office shuting out the rest of the world behind her. A bit of irratation that Jason was saying sorry to her. Giving alittle roll of her eyes she sits down in one of the chairs across from Jason's desk.*

"Dont be sorry. I'm glad you were thinking and trying to work through things. You should also know by now Jason that your not bothering me at all. What kind of Hero would I be if you dident."

*Katie gives a small smile at her comment. Thinking for a moment more words on the tip of her toung that want to be said but was it right to say them or not. Heaving a sigh Katie chooses her words wisly.*

"J...I understand alittle bit more now about what happend to you, and why you closed yourself off. I cant say it was the right thing to do, but I cant say I would of done anything differntly myself. I'm sorry you had to go through everything you did. I understand now how it wasent easy at all. I just wish I had know than so...things could be...."

*Katie stops herself for a moment before finishing her sentince relizing what she was going to say. Katie stands again, her eyes locked on Jason.*

"Well we cant change the past now, but we can change the future and we need to make the best of it. I'm glad your back now J. It dosent feel empty around here."

*Katie breaks her eyes away from Jason and turns from his desk.*

*Wendy studys Trent for a moment and than gives alittle shrugs*

"Well if thats the only reson why your not eating its silly and your going to starve. There cant be peace all the time you know. Not to mention if anyone thought you wouldent be keeping peace here I dont think you would be siting on those steps. The first step in change is actully mingalin with people. Giving them the opertunity to see you've changed in stead of hiding out."

*Wendy turns and continues her rout to the mess hall.*

*Rosetta knows her eyes go wide for a moment on the new about Tyler. She was shocked and saprised. Everyone thought he had died, only now to know he was alive still. Jim dident have to tell her why they did she new it was to do with the Agency, it ALWAYS had to do with the agency one way or another.*

"Wow...I'm not even sure what to say. I mean...what are you guys going to do? I am sure Tyler would want to get to know you. I bet this is a big saprise for you guys too."

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